In a way, I already did this. I put an o-ring on the shaft just to see if it would help center it. The oring ended up twisted like spaghetti. So I abandoned that approach.Maybe another ingredient to rattling is the drawbar section profile itself, not really reflected correctly on my simple sketches. The majority of DB, the lower portion, is skinny by comparison to the upper thicker portion with more mass. So imagine a skinny, flexible stick with a concentrated blob of weight on top. As it spinning & oscillating, its easy to visualize the upper portion tracing a wider path & bending the shaft outward. Left unconstrained in the spindle shaft hole, maybe this (upper) area is where the rattling originates from.
It would be interesting if you temporarily attached a sleeve of material on the DB just where it enters the hole just to test. Like some winds of electrical tape or softer durometer O-ring if you can squeeze it, so the radial gap is filled up. Then tighten DB with moderate torque without the special adapter part. If the noise stops its probably entirely an annulargap/ centering issue.
In hindsight, the forces involved in tightening the drawbar far exceed the yield strength of a rubber o-ring or tape. To stay in position properly, the O-ring would require a fit that starts centered and is maintained at center during the tightening sequence. If you have that, then why bother with the o-ring?