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Calling all Graphic Artists. We Need a Logo!


Joshua West
The creativity of our community will surely indicate that someone has graphic art skills!

Let's work together to create a logo for our new forum!
I've been nudging my creative daughter about this. She mumbled something about needing photoshop... We will see.
I have a very cool artists that does our band art work.. skullish theme specialty, would be cool for a welding logo allthingsrotten[dot]com
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Jared, Did you want to reach out to your artist to see if he wanted to work with us?

At this point we're definitely more of a non-prof than anything. (I've sank some money into getting the forum up, but we're not monetizing in any way or anything)
it will be cheapish, wouldnt mind paying if u wanna make me admin later. very interested in group, this is non profit but in a highly profitable buisness so i see us forming a company down the road.
Hey Jared,

While I really do appreciate your willingness to help, I think it's best we focus on finding artwork internally, or from someone close to the group willing to help.

@Janger Let me know about your daughter's journey to access photoshop! haha

I've been nudging my creative daughter about this. She mumbled something about needing photoshop... We will see.
I bought photoshop subscription for her.... Hmm. She also wants to change the forum color scheme...
I should mention, I only spent about 8 seconds throwing some colours I thought were unique together, so I'm not overly tied to them.

I would love it if we could come up with some options as a group and put it to a vote.

Maybe consider challenging her to create something based on this colour scheme, and something where she has total creative freedom. Artists love a good challenge and a picky client, right? haha.
I was a graphic artist for over 15 years, still do odd jobs and projects. What are your thoughts?

The idea about changing the colours of the forum is not a bad idea.
We have kinda cobbled together a logo, but definitely open to anything you want to show the group. (We can run a poll for all members to vote, that sounds fun)

With regard to colours. Agreed. The selection is infinite, and it seems pretty easy to change the colour scheme, not so easy to change the layout / framework though. (Would love to see some new proposed colours, I'm open to anything)

Welcome to the forum @Richard Tymko
