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Bridgeport 1J knee mill - anyone looking?


Active Member
got a line on a Bridgeport knee mill. Not my machine so I dont know much about condition but having owned one, they are decent if they've been well taken care of.

3-phase power needed; rig up a VFD and it turns this old-belt drive machine into a much nicer-to-use unit.

If anyone is interested drop me a note and I'll try to find more details.
Yup; saw a few pictures and it's not a pretty as mine but unsure if thats just dirt. Guy is out of town and I'd only go check it out if someone was actually looking for one. Sounds like he's a bit motivated so it may go for the price of a Chinese bench top.
gonzo as per Mar 12 post. I've still got mine and contemplating if I want to sell it but the 4 axis DRO and VFD w/control console is worth a substantial amount on its own...serious offers only.