Sapientia et Doctrina Stabilitas
My opinions are well informed and educated and I've viewed a half dozen boxford lathes in person, all in various states of repair, and I've recorded the prices and length of time to sell for hundreds of lathes over the past decade...I think out of control inflation has more to do with the lack of a buyer. You are right, It is a free market. If it doesn’t sell than the price will eventually go down. I have looked at two Boxfords for sale in person over the years on the plus side of 3k and they were worn out junk with no tooling and definitely didn’t have new spindle bearings.
I have always made my own decisions on what things are worth to me. I’m old. Time is worth more to me than money in some cases than chasing estate sales for the ultimate deal.
Everyone tells me Myford Super Sevens are grossly overpriced and I still love my machine and can probably sell it for more than I bought it for.
These comments are not meant to start an online spat, where I find these forums have serious value are educated opinions on different models, brands and actual capabilities of older machines.
But unfortunately I’m out of time now.
I expect that you'll be purchasing this post haste then...