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I just bought a used oxy-acetylene setup/tanks off of marketplace. The tanks are still pretty full but in the future will I need to provide an ownership to the tanks to have them filled in Ontario? Should I ask the guy who sold them to me if he still has them. Seems like an estate situation so I think it's unlikely but I know the guy owned them. I heard in some places in the states they want paperwork wonder what the situation is here.
My personal experience was with one semi-independent tool store...they wouldn't fill my O2 because the tank had the old Linde stamps on it...This was AFTER the fact that I took it to a re-cert shop, waited a week for them to fit it in for hydro testing, it passed, and I got it back with a fresh stamp of approval...
So I very cautiously "removed" the old markings, made my work look good and went back...they filled it for me...
Ironically...another distributor (one of the big 3) won't touch it because the original date is 1981...and because dude behind the counter figured out that I modd'ed the tank...but they have no issue taking the tanks I bought from dist. #1...and giving me fresh filled ones...
they flat out exchange them...
Janger is right wary of the lease agreements etc...definitely have a look and see what the expiry dates well as which company has their touchmark on them...
For all you know...those tanks could've been liberated by a disgruntled employee on a Friday...or just plain liberated...
get what you can for use out of them for sure...but do your out a tool supply / gas store kind of place... make friends with the industrial people...and cross your also doesn't hurt to be genuinely nice...
Even when dude behind the counter at distr. #2 said to his co-worker " mark this guys name down, so we don't end up refilling his tank if you n I aren't here"...I was still nice...I did tell him, to his face...that "the comment could've been professionally delayed til after I left, but now we know you're not a professional at customer service don't we?" but I did it nicely...enough so that he walked off the counter floor, leaving his very new employee to smile at me while she took my payment for my Argon, and my MIG mix...