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Atlas bench mill

A bit pricey but expected. Machine prices are going up and up and away. Besides a $1000 CAD nowdays has far lesser power then it did 10 years ago. With current inflation rates expect these machines to at least double in the next 10 years.
Would you expect the current inflation rates for the next 10 years?
I need to dig out the cutters i have, got them in a auction lot with other stuff i wanted. Think they are 1" bore and new.
Would you expect the current inflation rates for the next 10 years?

As is there is no end of covid in sight - we have supplies ready for vaccines for the next 2 years - so at least AHS expects this to last up to 2 years. If the current huge inflation lasted for 10 years I would guess more then double in price - but inflation rate is unknown even today so trying to predict what would be in 2 years or 10 is wishful thinking. I mean we could not predict covid at all & inflation is largely driven by it so its anyone guess.
On the other hand I don't recall Canada / US ever pulling negative inflation & I doubt we see that - so there has to be some inflation.
In the last 6 years or so since I got and then sold a mini mill it went up in price by 50%. Most of that time was without covid. So it is reasonable to assume that now with Covid we may see doubling or more after 10 years.
That is a crazy price, the machine needs everything done to it. And of course the Change-O-Matic stuff could be a mess or missing.
As a contrast, this is what I got for $1250 plus fees: I cleaned it but even that wasn't really necessary.

About 5 years ago I got a K&T #2 with even more cutters you have for $500.
About 2 weeks ago someone paid with fees almost 2500 for over 100 year old lathe in 12x36 config.
I would value the lathe at about half that on auction. Final price shocked me.
My Gord! I wondered how many cutters were with that lot but I never suspected that many! If you had to pay retail, the cutters would be twice what you paid in total!

Most are Union Butterfield, others are P&W. 7/8" and 1" arbors mostly although there are some strange ones with thread inside. And of course a bunch of shell mills.

My wife carried them out in one batch in a USPS container. I ,on the other hand, could only drag the bin across the floor in the basement here :-) I wasn't about to try lifting. She is a keeper, 33 years so far....
I'll start a separate thread on the machine in a while .