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Anyone interested in some large diameter mild steel round bar or 4140 annealed round bar?

I'm fairly new to arduino coding but I have a good start. I spoke with a few folks from arduino forums and that really helped!! It's actually fairly simple to sync the spindle and leadscrew... You use the arduino millis or micros functions and created an interrupt service routine to count each time the spindle sensor
is detected (on the rising or falling edge of the square wave). Throw in some fairly basic calculations and you have a way of tracking spindle rotations and syncing the spindle with the leadscrew! Beyond that, you could build an interface to enter a thread pitch or some other spec and it will automatically do the math to make it work.

After I get the leadscrew working, my plan was to add a 'Y' axis and that would facilitate electronic tapers!!

Anyways, I'll try to post updates as I work through this! I have some jobs to take care of before I can get serious about finishing this, but hopefully I can tackle it sooner than later.

I'm fairly new to arduino coding but I have a good start. I spoke with a few folks from arduino forums and that really helped!! It's actually fairly simple to sync the spindle and leadscrew... You use the arduino millis or micros functions and created an interrupt service routine to count each time the spindle sensor
is detected (on the rising or falling edge of the square wave). Throw in some fairly basic calculations and you have a way of tracking spindle rotations and syncing the spindle with the leadscrew! Beyond that, you could build an interface to enter a thread pitch or some other spec and it will automatically do the math to make it work.

After I get the leadscrew working, my plan was to add a 'Y' axis and that would facilitate electronic tapers!!

Anyways, I'll try to post updates as I work through this! I have some jobs to take care of before I can get serious about finishing this, but hopefully I can tackle it sooner than later.


I'm fairly new to arduino coding but I have a good start. I spoke with a few folks from arduino forums and that really helped!! It's actually fairly simple to sync the spindle and leadscrew... You use the arduino millis or micros functions and created an interrupt service routine to count each time the spindle sensor
is detected (on the rising or falling edge of the square wave). Throw in some fairly basic calculations and you have a way of tracking spindle rotations and syncing the spindle with the leadscrew! Beyond that, you could build an interface to enter a thread pitch or some other spec and it will automatically do the math to make it work.

After I get the leadscrew working, my plan was to add a 'Y' axis and that would facilitate electronic tapers!!

Anyways, I'll try to post updates as I work through this! I have some jobs to take care of before I can get serious about finishing this, but hopefully I can tackle it sooner than later.

Looks really promising Geoff. Where did you get the motors, hall sensors and those flat belts & pulleys?
I had some of the gear laying around... Big stepper was from a kijiji buy a long time ago. I machined a 12 tooth timing pulley. I bought the XL timing belt and one of the timing pulley from motion industries (local). The hall sensor was from an old treadmill that I parted out :P Fun stuff :)
Yes I am, thank you though. That is partly where I got the inspiration for my project. The ELS kit is fairly reasonable priced as well but I wanted to give it a shot on my own. I like to learn about these types of things and i'm learning about Arduino coding so this project is right up my alley. I may end up looking at purchasing an ELS kit in the long run but for now i'm going to have a stab at it!