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Another member from "South of the Border"!

Hello to all,

philip here, I found this website from another member here, who posts elsewhere!

I have been involved, at many levels, with Metal Working, since 1968.

I started then, in Lost Wax Casting, both Silver & Gold, and have both Tutored & TAUGHT, casting and silversmithing into the early 1970's.

I do not recall the exact point where I started Machine Work, but I know my First TAIG LATHE, is 30+ years old, I had the honor of touring the TAIG factory in Arizona, prior to purchasing from a local Oregon Dealer.

I own their (first generation) CNC mill, but I could not grasp G-Code to use it, so I mounted home built handles on the other end of the steppers, and have hundreds of hours using that manually.

My current equipment is all PROXXON, and of course that indicates I work small things.

I worked for a short time, in a commercial shop, making of all things, Trombone Parts, in brass, for the (Original) Thayer Valve Company. At that time he had his One & Only large contract, for the Yamaha Music Co., that contracted for Three batches of 500 valves! Before that he did batches of 10 to 20, being bought by various companies when asked if they can "build" a Thayer Trombone!

I have the honor & memories, of the casting & finishing of various parts of that "Axial Rotor Valve", from WAX Duplication, casting, Finishing and milling them, and then handing them off to "Boss Man".

His valved Trombones are used around the ENTIRE World, I can recall his receiving calls from Zurich Switzerland, Sydney Australia, (Civic Orchrestras) and I have seen them (private video) used by the U.S. ARMY'S Bands, and on U Tube, the U.S. Marine Corps Presidential Band!

That private video was from a Nephew, who was in a small Jazz Combo, and I watched it several times, then FB him to ask "is That a Thayer Trombone?" HIS Response, "you KNOW what a Thayer Valve IS?"

We later realized together, that I had made the various Parts of THAT Yahmaha built Thayer Trombone! they have AXIAL Valves, which removes the "rumble" which occurs when the ordinary trombone Switches the sound range, like D to D Flat. That is all I can share, my own ears are not trained enough to hear "Rumble"!

Current time, I am moderately disabled. Medically Retired since 1997, the Neuro System has had multiple surgeries, But I Am still TRYING.

That is, in June '24, I moved into a new Apartment, built a "First Work Bench", a few months later, I found the metal frame of a desk, which became Work bench #2. and Later, a 3rd Work Bench:

My thoughts: 1 for METAL WORK, 2 for WOOD WORK, 3rd for electrical design, I am currently facinated with several *One Board Computers* which all need electronics ADDED.

I can usually accomplish One of those Three crafts, nearly daily,

That is about all, I started this Three Weeks ago, but lost it in my computer,

philip, from the Great Pacific NorthWET, Oregon Division, USA
Hello to all,

philip here, I found this website from another member here, who posts elsewhere!

I have been involved, at many levels, with Metal Working, since 1968.

I started then, in Lost Wax Casting, both Silver & Gold, and have both Tutored & TAUGHT, casting and silversmithing into the early 1970's.

I do not recall the exact point where I started Machine Work, but I know my First TAIG LATHE, is 30+ years old, I had the honor of touring the TAIG factory in Arizona, prior to purchasing from a local Oregon Dealer.

I own their (first generation) CNC mill, but I could not grasp G-Code to use it, so I mounted home built handles on the other end of the steppers, and have hundreds of hours using that manually.

My current equipment is all PROXXON, and of course that indicates I work small things.

I worked for a short time, in a commercial shop, making of all things, Trombone Parts, in brass, for the (Original) Thayer Valve Company. At that time he had his One & Only large contract, for the Yamaha Music Co., that contracted for Three batches of 500 valves! Before that he did batches of 10 to 20, being bought by various companies when asked if they can "build" a Thayer Trombone!

I have the honor & memories, of the casting & finishing of various parts of that "Axial Rotor Valve", from WAX Duplication, casting, Finishing and milling them, and then handing them off to "Boss Man".

His valved Trombones are used around the ENTIRE World, I can recall his receiving calls from Zurich Switzerland, Sydney Australia, (Civic Orchrestras) and I have seen them (private video) used by the U.S. ARMY'S Bands, and on U Tube, the U.S. Marine Corps Presidential Band!

That private video was from a Nephew, who was in a small Jazz Combo, and I watched it several times, then FB him to ask "is That a Thayer Trombone?" HIS Response, "you KNOW what a Thayer Valve IS?"

We later realized together, that I had made the various Parts of THAT Yahmaha built Thayer Trombone! they have AXIAL Valves, which removes the "rumble" which occurs when the ordinary trombone Switches the sound range, like D to D Flat. That is all I can share, my own ears are not trained enough to hear "Rumble"!

Current time, I am moderately disabled. Medically Retired since 1997, the Neuro System has had multiple surgeries, But I Am still TRYING.

That is, in June '24, I moved into a new Apartment, built a "First Work Bench", a few months later, I found the metal frame of a desk, which became Work bench #2. and Later, a 3rd Work Bench:

My thoughts: 1 for METAL WORK, 2 for WOOD WORK, 3rd for electrical design, I am currently facinated with several *One Board Computers* which all need electronics ADDED.

I can usually accomplish One of those Three crafts, nearly daily,

That is about all, I started this Three Weeks ago, but lost it in my computer,

philip, from the Great Pacific NorthWET, Oregon Division, USA
I visited your Lovely Country, entering at Niagra Falls, in 1971. I found myself all the away NORTH to Barrie, Ontario where I bought a HARMONICA! Yes, I wanted a Harmonica from Barrie, as Crosby, Stills, Nash & Young wrote and played a song about a "place in North Ontario" !

My travels to there and then down to Windsor showed me how Kind and Respectful Canadians are & I had to wait Eight More years, until I had a Chance to visit your Country, once more!

I Lived in Republic, Washington then just Fourty Miles South of "the Border", I do not recall the name of that City, but they had a Very LARGE Lumber Mill & I was along to help a friend buy a School Bus full of 2×6 & 2×8 lumber, to build his house with!

Thank you all for the Greetings,

philip, from the Great Pacific NorthWET, Oregon Division, USA
Welcome from someplace you passed between Windsor and the Falls. North Shore of Lake Erie South of Chatham.
That day to Windsor, was one of my Most Memorable events on that Trip!

As an Soldier in the U.S. ARMY, I had flown accross the States multiple times. I just **had** to see the Country from the ground view.

I did have a vague plan of the Journey, from Ft. Dix, NJ to my home in Chico CA, things I needed to do . . . but as I was heading "South" I came upon a couple of hitch hikers, come on Board, into my Step Van turned RV. A few blocks More, THREE more Hitch Hikers....

I asked them to stand my Twin Bed mattrass up Verticle.

I ended up with Ten or Twelve 'Hikers ALL going to a Outdoor Concert in a park, they invited me, but I had "plans", I crossed Windor into the US and caught a Ferry Boat, to Winsconsin...

I did not (quite) understand the ~GREAT~ in the Great Lakes! I lost sight of the East Coast in an hour, spent Six Hours a looking for . . . and an Hour waching the WEST COAST appear!

Millwalkie was so huge, I was So Tired I finally started having WHITE LINE FEVER, I had been on the Road and Awake nearly 20 hours I saw rural farm Orchard, turned Left drove quite aways, then off the Road.

ONLY to be woken up by pounding on all sides of my Van, the Police said the Farmer called in a HUGE PARTY of hippies (! ! ! !), Me in a military hair cut, I showed my discharge papers described the day BEFORE and pleaded insanity

I guess the Farmer had some problems before! That was one of only Two times my Paper VEHICLE Plates, from Pennsyvania caused Police Inteaction ..

But back to North of Windsor, a Lovely bit of ROAD! Thanks for the Memories!

philip, from the Great Pacific NorthWET, Oregon Division, USA
Another hello from Vancouver Island! Interestingly, in my "to do (someday)" pile, I have a trombone which needs some repair. Regular slide type, not valve, but I play valve instruments - Eb circular alto, AKA Mellophone being my go-to horn. I had a music store about 50 years ago and was a Yamaha dealer, but that was 95% guitars, understandable given the era and context.
Brass, [& Wind] Music is awesome, I however only played 1 year of Trumpet, and then went to playing the Seven Inch Reel to Reel Tape, and Later, the CAsette Tape!

I really got confused with the CD player it was a "Chicken OR the Egg thing", I finally bought a CD, because IF you have one, then you NEED a CD Player!

On topic, Mr. Thayer had "dreams" of producing the Axial Valve, for Non Trombone Brass instruments, but two things occured,

He had accepted a silent partner, to help finance, who then "took control" of that Patent.

As the *partner* had more Finances & better Lawyers, he took over PATENT RIGHTS, Mr. Thayer was allowed by the Court to finish the Yamaha Contract, developed pre Partner (&THEFT) ....

He now is Resting in Peace, IIRC, he "promised" to throw ALL his Trombone PROPERTY, into the River it Was his property, the Thief could not obtain the Critical moulds, nor could have EVER conceived of the Machining involved in that valve!

For those interested: an Axial Valve, first (obviously) rotates upon the Axis.

The COMPLEXITY arrives in having the air "transfer" from one set of Tubes, to another set, this involved the Machining of that Air Passage, INTERNAL in the valve, think a VERTICAL OFFSET from near the axis, to further from the axis, and EVERY SINGLE MicroMeter being COMPLETLY SMOOTH.

The variation apart was about (approx.) 0.400 inches!

I soldered the Input Tube onto the Brass Outer body, from a birdeyes view, LOOK at a Funnel, large end placed upon a table.

NOW bore a vertical 1/2 inch hole into the funnel, near that spout (in this case, that is the AXIS).

NOW, looking from the side, the round hole is now an ELLIPSE!

I had to keep the part Vertical & Parrellel to the axis.

Mr. Thayer approached me on a Friday, he said, bring YOUR torch on Monday I will have the OXY/FUEL for you.

He was at Awe with my Victor's Micro Torch, When it was first designed, their ad was a 6500°F flame, INSIDE an Emptied Cigerette Tube, and no scorched paper!

I owned that torch tip, & 4 others, MY work was never under tip number 3, for Mr. Thayers, I used the Largest Tip, which I had used to melt an ounce of Silver, VERY EASILY.

SO, Mr. Thayer turned it on, and said I will show you How I do it, OK?

Three Valves, and he said OK, you do it!

I sat down, VERY NERVOUS, and soldered my first valve. My Second Valve. My Third Valve, Mr. Thayer said you have the idea down, I'll let you work.

about an Hour Later, I see him in my perifial vision, and he acknowledged I saw him.

Would it bother you, if I watched Closer Up?


"You really know how to solder" . . . Me with [at that time near zero self confidence, in ANYTHING] Said in a weak voice "I *told* you I could solder".

He heard my INSECURITIES . . . And said "Let me Rephrase that, ~~~WOW~~~, you really DO ~KNOW~ how to SOLDER ! ! !"

Much later, at around 1,200 valve bodies, that I had soldered, WITH a Failure RATE of 3 - 4 a HUNDRED VALVES, he let me know HIS failure rate was 10-12 percent.

I miss that man. In my ENTIRE work history, ONLY Two other men gave me that kind of Recognition.

philip, from the Great Pacific NorthWET, Oregon Division, USA