Hello to all,
philip here, I found this website from another member here, who posts elsewhere!
I have been involved, at many levels, with Metal Working, since 1968.
I started then, in Lost Wax Casting, both Silver & Gold, and have both Tutored & TAUGHT, casting and silversmithing into the early 1970's.
I do not recall the exact point where I started Machine Work, but I know my First TAIG LATHE, is 30+ years old, I had the honor of touring the TAIG factory in Arizona, prior to purchasing from a local Oregon Dealer.
I own their (first generation) CNC mill, but I could not grasp G-Code to use it, so I mounted home built handles on the other end of the steppers, and have hundreds of hours using that manually.
My current equipment is all PROXXON, and of course that indicates I work small things.
I worked for a short time, in a commercial shop, making of all things, Trombone Parts, in brass, for the (Original) Thayer Valve Company. At that time he had his One & Only large contract, for the Yamaha Music Co., that contracted for Three batches of 500 valves! Before that he did batches of 10 to 20, being bought by various companies when asked if they can "build" a Thayer Trombone!
I have the honor & memories, of the casting & finishing of various parts of that "Axial Rotor Valve", from WAX Duplication, casting, Finishing and milling them, and then handing them off to "Boss Man".
His valved Trombones are used around the ENTIRE World, I can recall his receiving calls from Zurich Switzerland, Sydney Australia, (Civic Orchrestras) and I have seen them (private video) used by the U.S. ARMY'S Bands, and on U Tube, the U.S. Marine Corps Presidential Band!
That private video was from a Nephew, who was in a small Jazz Combo, and I watched it several times, then FB him to ask "is That a Thayer Trombone?" HIS Response, "you KNOW what a Thayer Valve IS?"
We later realized together, that I had made the various Parts of THAT Yahmaha built Thayer Trombone! they have AXIAL Valves, which removes the "rumble" which occurs when the ordinary trombone Switches the sound range, like D to D Flat. That is all I can share, my own ears are not trained enough to hear "Rumble"!
Current time, I am moderately disabled. Medically Retired since 1997, the Neuro System has had multiple surgeries, But I Am still TRYING.
That is, in June '24, I moved into a new Apartment, built a "First Work Bench", a few months later, I found the metal frame of a desk, which became Work bench #2. and Later, a 3rd Work Bench:
My thoughts: 1 for METAL WORK, 2 for WOOD WORK, 3rd for electrical design, I am currently facinated with several *One Board Computers* which all need electronics ADDED.
I can usually accomplish One of those Three crafts, nearly daily,
That is about all, I started this Three Weeks ago, but lost it in my computer,
philip, from the Great Pacific NorthWET, Oregon Division, USA
philip here, I found this website from another member here, who posts elsewhere!
I have been involved, at many levels, with Metal Working, since 1968.
I started then, in Lost Wax Casting, both Silver & Gold, and have both Tutored & TAUGHT, casting and silversmithing into the early 1970's.
I do not recall the exact point where I started Machine Work, but I know my First TAIG LATHE, is 30+ years old, I had the honor of touring the TAIG factory in Arizona, prior to purchasing from a local Oregon Dealer.
I own their (first generation) CNC mill, but I could not grasp G-Code to use it, so I mounted home built handles on the other end of the steppers, and have hundreds of hours using that manually.
My current equipment is all PROXXON, and of course that indicates I work small things.
I worked for a short time, in a commercial shop, making of all things, Trombone Parts, in brass, for the (Original) Thayer Valve Company. At that time he had his One & Only large contract, for the Yamaha Music Co., that contracted for Three batches of 500 valves! Before that he did batches of 10 to 20, being bought by various companies when asked if they can "build" a Thayer Trombone!
I have the honor & memories, of the casting & finishing of various parts of that "Axial Rotor Valve", from WAX Duplication, casting, Finishing and milling them, and then handing them off to "Boss Man".
His valved Trombones are used around the ENTIRE World, I can recall his receiving calls from Zurich Switzerland, Sydney Australia, (Civic Orchrestras) and I have seen them (private video) used by the U.S. ARMY'S Bands, and on U Tube, the U.S. Marine Corps Presidential Band!
That private video was from a Nephew, who was in a small Jazz Combo, and I watched it several times, then FB him to ask "is That a Thayer Trombone?" HIS Response, "you KNOW what a Thayer Valve IS?"
We later realized together, that I had made the various Parts of THAT Yahmaha built Thayer Trombone! they have AXIAL Valves, which removes the "rumble" which occurs when the ordinary trombone Switches the sound range, like D to D Flat. That is all I can share, my own ears are not trained enough to hear "Rumble"!
Current time, I am moderately disabled. Medically Retired since 1997, the Neuro System has had multiple surgeries, But I Am still TRYING.
That is, in June '24, I moved into a new Apartment, built a "First Work Bench", a few months later, I found the metal frame of a desk, which became Work bench #2. and Later, a 3rd Work Bench:
My thoughts: 1 for METAL WORK, 2 for WOOD WORK, 3rd for electrical design, I am currently facinated with several *One Board Computers* which all need electronics ADDED.
I can usually accomplish One of those Three crafts, nearly daily,
That is about all, I started this Three Weeks ago, but lost it in my computer,
philip, from the Great Pacific NorthWET, Oregon Division, USA