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Another Amazon Deal - Nicholson File

Six O Two



Premium Member
Makes sense for you, but what would you recommend for the rest of "us" given that 33% off is not likely to last... .
If you know you have a Radon problem, then any meter would be fine to confirm your mitigation is still working. If you want to see trends like I do then a fancy meter will be necessary…

If you’re not sure if you have a Radon problem, I would get a long-term certified test done first (Starting mid-winter/early spring) (I believe companies will send you the product and you return it after the test is complete?)


ersatz engineer
@StevSmar The long term test you mention is the one that you send back for analysis. In order to do a 4 season study (recommended by the Gov), you would have to test 4 times. If you order from Lex scientific, for instance it would require 4X81$ to get the kits, and have them processed. They come with 2 tests per package, but that is intended to do 2 simultaneous tests in your home.

The above amazon deal is much cheaper, allows you to retest any time, and are just as accurate.


Premium Member
…The above amazon deal is much cheaper, allows you to retest any time, and are just as accurate.
I can’t comment on accuracy, but if you do four tests then I can see how just purchasing a meter would be more affordable.

I did one test, it came back high so I remediated. (In 2014 I believe).
Calgary SE here. I did a 3 month radon collector test and sent the collector in for analysis. I was slightly below the 'norm' for my area, and was well within the Health Canada guidelines for radon. I have a 60's bungalow with a few small foundation and basement floor cracks and a HRV retroftted.