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A Smile Daily notes on mechanical handwork

You do very good quality work. Good to see.
Do you have to go to work every day and do this in your spare time?
You do very good quality work. Good to see.
Do you have to go to work every day and do this in your spare time?
Thank you for your comments!
I think it is difficult for me to explain clearly, I have an internal retirement, basically no pension, so I am free, I can have time to do what I like, but because of the interference of other factors, I can not spend all the time playing machine tools. Let's just say I spend most of my free time doing these things!
There is also some time to surf the Internet or use software to draw, design, roughly speaking, my average day in the shop and machine tool dealing time is about 5 hours or more, often ending after 10 PM. I think my skills are common and require more study. The result of lack of courses is that many operations are not standardized enough. Although I can finish them eventually, I may waste more time or materials in other places.
Nice welding cart you’ve made!

because of the interference of other factors
I suspect a lot of us are like that, we call them wives…
Although I currently still have the associated interference of having to go to work. Double interference for me at the moment-LOL.