There's one other method that I have heard of, but not tried is to make up a fixture that you can mount as long a piece of pipe you can ie: 8-10 feet if possible, engage the back gears to lock up the headstock 
Now, gently hang as much weight off the end of the pipe as you are comfortable with, apply your favorite penetrating oil on the threads and wait....... Periodically warm the back plate up and reapply more oil. This can take weeks depending on how many heat, cool and lube cycles you have time for, but I have heard of successes. Just don't shock or you risk breaking the gears, but steady pressure will not......

Now, gently hang as much weight off the end of the pipe as you are comfortable with, apply your favorite penetrating oil on the threads and wait....... Periodically warm the back plate up and reapply more oil. This can take weeks depending on how many heat, cool and lube cycles you have time for, but I have heard of successes. Just don't shock or you risk breaking the gears, but steady pressure will not......