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Search results

  1. Rusty Metalhead

    Stellite 6

    For high corrosion applications our choice of metals at the university was Hastelloy. Also a tough to machine metal. Toughest job I remember was drilling a .017 hole on the lathe..... -G "HASTELLOY alloy shows unsurpassed resistance to corrosion in seawater atmosphere. Exposed at Kure Beach, N...
  2. Rusty Metalhead

    Cast Iron stock

    railroad cast iron parts https://www.google.com/search?q=cast+iron+railway+parts&rlz=1C1CHBF_enCA847CA847&sxsrf=ALeKk037UMvE0kBmeCX4FvRGZWdMc0dWrw:1598501476360&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwi2jq-FwrrrAhVW7J4KHdcqBq8Q_AUoAXoECAwQAw&biw=1680&bih=907#imgrc=--Qf320zLvim8M
  3. Rusty Metalhead

    Cast Iron stock

    and a good one that might work if the thickness is right, is a cast iron automobile flywheel...already flat on two sides.
  4. Rusty Metalhead

    Cast Iron stock

    ..............cast iron frying pans, cast iron pots, auto brake rotors, brake calipers,probably all kinds of cast iron parts lying around any railroad repair shop.
  5. Rusty Metalhead

    Dumb question probably

    Possibly a counter bore that uses interchangeable pilots? https://www.mscdirect.com/product/details/71011746
  6. Rusty Metalhead

    Need a bed surface ground.

    When I was an tool and die apprentice one of the things that was taught to the machine repair trade was a thing called scraping. It was the most accurate method of achieving flatness, parallalism, and squareness and on a a machine bed. No mechanical pressure or heat from a grinding wheel, just...
  7. Rusty Metalhead

    Looking for help getting a 1.250" hole bored/drilled in a aluminium intake (Calgary)

    Thank you for your reply Peter. I am aware of the different methods of getting this hole made, as I have done similar work on Excello mills many times. The problem is finding a place that has all the particular tooling to be able to do it. CNC would be much faster without all the necessary...
  8. Rusty Metalhead

    Apprenticed at GM Transmission Plant in Windsor Ontario as a Tool and Die Maker Worked as a...

    Apprenticed at GM Transmission Plant in Windsor Ontario as a Tool and Die Maker Worked as a machinist technician at the University of Calgary Science Workshop. Retired in May of 2012.
  9. Rusty Metalhead

    Looking for help getting a 1.250" hole bored/drilled in a aluminium intake (Calgary)

    I've got a aluminium automobile intake manifold that I need a 1.250" hole bored (drilled/CNC) to accommodate a oil filler tube. Just one hole. It will require a bit of a set up because of the shape of the intake manifold and the hole is at a 25 degree angle. If anyone can refer me to a shop or...