• Scam Alert. Members are reminded to NOT send money to buy anything. Don't buy things remote and have it shipped - go get it yourself, pay in person, and take your equipment with you. Scammers have burned people on this forum. Urgency, secrecy, excuses, selling for friend, newish members, FUD, are RED FLAGS. A video conference call is not adequate assurance. Face to face interactions are required. Please report suspicions to the forum admins. Stay Safe - anyone can get scammed.

New profile posts

Hi! Jeff. Don Sipes in Airdrie. Last winter I made a post here about wanting to bore and hone 2 stroke cylinders. It's still something I would like to do, but for now I'm going to have someone do it for me. If your set up to do 2 stroke stuff I'll get you to do them? THANKS
I'm not sure about pistons. I see import cast pistons available but only for standard sizes, Wiseco don't list them in their current catalogue. It could be challenge! I wouldn't suggest you tool up for just one set of cylinders unless you plan to take in other work. . Jim Titmus has the tooling and did my Kawasaki 2 stroke triple. so that's an option. What's your thoughts?
Yes , I know who Jim is . It might be better to get him to do them . If I get more requests for this I'll buy the tooling
OK. I wasn't sure of your set up. Just thought I'd keep it in the Hobby Metal workers family if possible. THANKS
Here is an article about it. The long arm fastened to the bed works the same way as an adjustable stop on a drill press. It has free movement of the tool till it hits the end stop.


Ah. In the front page photo posted it's cutting an external thread. I was trying to figure out how something angled that way would stop cutting internally.
Very complex mechanically.
Thanks for passing that on.
The Bison chuck is still available. I'll check the shipping charge to Washington but I suspect that it will be high.

Model Citizen
I just saw your message today, sorry about the mixup.
I’m still interested in the 5” Bison chuck If you still have it.
did you check on shipping to Washington state.
I am in Kelso Wa, 98626. Email, [email protected]
Thanks, Steve
Same here - still not getting notifications from the board :(

I did post to the chuck for sale thread a while back that the estimated shipping charge is $85

Don't know if your getting my messages or not. Please let me know. Thanks
Sent you a PM at about 4:30 pm yesterday. This board used to send email notifications of such messages but that appears to be broken right now (since the big crash earlier this month). Please email at ctreleaven at cogeco dot ca ...
I'm looking for a mill. What condition is it in? Are there any known issues.? All I see is pictures.
No known issues. Used it a couple of weeks back to mill slots in 3/8 plate for a motor mount with no issues.under power and sounds real nice.
I like the Everlast machines. I see a lot of professionals using them on YouTube. I have one of their multi function units and a plasma cutter. Compare the price and warranty to other brands.
Pretty chuffed about the alignment of my King 4x6 bandsaw now. That's a 2"x2" bar.
Ive been very impressed by that little saw. Adding a couple of extended plates to the vice to allow cutting right up to the blade is a great addition too.
Ooh- That's a good suggestion. Easy to do too!
Hi Paul...How did it work out for you with the First you bought? I am new to milling...dont have one yet but looking around and trying not too buy a lemon due to my inexperience or excitement. Im curious who you used to move the machine for you...950 to the Island seems reasonable...Im located in Delta...cheers, Brian
Ahhh! I get it.
Thanks for the info Paul! I am still looking around...have somewhat limited space in my shop....what mill did you buy again?
It's a monstrous bridgeport clone. First brand, probably 30 years old. Not appropriate for a small foot-print shop!