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Yesterday's free marketplace haul

Dan Dubeau

Ultra Member
A local sign/router shop was looking to get rid of a bunch of scrap PVC sheet earlier in the week. Couldn't make it until yesterday when I had to drive the Wife into T.O. and setup for her Yarn show, so I had her empty trailer on the way home. Stopped on my way home to load up the scrap, but most was longer than the trailer, so I loaded up what I could in her trailer and then zipped home, swapped trailers and went back to get the rest. Taking my FIL along for the ride on the way. I also scored some steel tubing on those shipping pallets, and that scrap steel frame too. There was more PVC, but I was a bit confused at what he wanted me to take, and wanted me to leave, as he rearranged the pile while I was gone, and he'd left by the time I got back. I'll pop in Tuesday, or Wednesday and see what's left, and clarify what's scrap and what's not. I didn't want take stuff he wanted to keep so I left a bunch more there. I certainly don't want to bite the hand that feeds, as I can get a lot more of this in perpetuity form the sounds of it. The sheets are 1" thick, and that's a 9' trailer for reference.


In the meantime, if anybody has any ideas for uses I'm all ears......I have a few things in mind that this will be great for. I imagine a lot of shop projects will be made from PVC in the future lol. Can't beat the price....

Now I gotta go unload her trailer so I can go pick her up tomorrow afternoon. She wont even know what happened.......:D
Can't beat the price at $free.99...... it looks thick enough to make lathe fodder out of some of it with a hole saw quite easily for those little bushings and spacers that seem to be needed from time to time. As for the rest of it, you are young yet, plenty o' time to decide which kid gets to inherit....:p
10 minutes of work to zip off all the self tappers, and free the tubing. Plywood on the burnpile.


50x70mm tubing. Should be plenty good enough for a variety of shop projects.

While unloading the rest of it back at the barn I thought of what I'm going to use most of the larger sheets for. Outfeed table and extension wing for my table saw. I've been wanting to get my woodworking stuff setup proper again for a couple years now, so this will be perfect for that when I get around to it.

I'll spend some time with the portaband and zip wheels to break down those frames farter this week. I've got nothing but time and no money right now. Still laid off with no work and it might be another week or two before they call me back (old Machinist job). I'm #151 on the list for the union hall (new Millwright job), so that'll be about 4-6 months before I get my first call out they figure...... The past 2 weeks have been pretty productive finishing stuff and cleaning up around here. If I can get another 2-3 weeks off before getting called back I should be almost caught up :D. It should also be around the time my savings start drying up and I need to go find a job......Good thing the Wife is out selling lots of yarn today..... :D.
I have a roll of HDPE 1/8”thick by 16’ wide. Cost me the same as your PVC. I’ll send a picture in a PM - maybe a trade: lb for lb.