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What would be the best process to get this cut out?


New Member
What would be the best process to get this cut out Of 12 gauge metal ? Hexagon are 5/16 in diameter and 16 of an inch spacingIMG_5837.png
12 gauge = 0.109"? Water jets do have a bit of taper to the kerf but that probably varies by machine & fluid & program. Laser might be another option. Both might suffer a bit by the piercing hole & how they close the path without a burr or overcut. And then there is a tolerance as to how close they follow the path. That's a pretty high density of pretty small shapes. Some shops have both laser & water so would probably tell you more about pros & cons just looking at the CAD file. Is there a specific design reason why they have to be hex vs round holes?
12 gauge = 0.109"? Water jets do have a bit of taper to the kerf but that probably varies by machine & fluid & program. Laser might be another option. Both might suffer a bit by the piercing hole & how they close the path without a burr or overcut. And then there is a tolerance as to how close they follow the path. That's a pretty high density of pretty small shapes. Some shops have both laser & water so would probably tell you more about pros & cons just looking at the CAD file. Is there a specific design reason why they have to be hex vs round holes?
thickness is about 0.1046 round holes is not the look i’m trying to achieve
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