Yea and no
Technically, should be in a rod oven to keep the moisture content low to zero, reasoning is that extra moisture can cause hydrogen embrittlement which could lead to's more of an issue with something that has high cyclic loading like a bridge
Practically, the rod burns the same unless it's absolutely soaked, chances to have a crack that propagates due to hydrogen embrittlement in general welding is very low, add to that most amateur welder's have far worse weld faults than the possibility of an internal crack resulting from rod that have not been kept in an oven, it's really not something to worry about. Higher likely hood you will have inclusions, lof or undercut...and add to that most hobby welders over weld the heck out it
In other words, unless you have been keeping them in the rain, or an extremely damp location, weld on.
If you have been keeping them in the rain or in the bottom of the fish tank and the flux is somehow intact, 24hrs minimum