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WANTED - 1.25" round teflon/PTFE stock - Calgary -


Premium Member

I need some 1.25" diameter solid round PTFE or Teflon stock - ideally laced with graphite but white or anything would do. Even a a few inches would get me started, but I need about 6 feet.

I can beg, borrow, trade, or buy. I'll come to you in the Calgary area. I have a quote from Norwesco but they are not open. Where else can I source this? - I'd prefer the graphite infused type as I believe it will be much easier to machine - Norwesco does not have that in their listings.

square or hex or whatever would also do for now as I could machine it down. I need pieces 1.25" in diameter and 0.7" long.

Thanks All
Aircraft Spruce might be a source, I've bought teflon rod from them in distant past but I do not know for a fact that they carry that size.
Online Metals has Virgin PTFE:


and can ship to Canada (best to contact them for rates and also discuss shipping costs vs. rod length):

Don't know if will help, have some mystery plastic here. 1 piece - 1.5x 3.5 long grey black, 5 pieces- 2X 2.75, 11/16 holes in them, white.
Rectangle bar stock, .75 thick X 1and15/16 wide, about 6 7ft pieces, somewhat bittle to work, have used a router on it o.k., white.
Could maybe use hole saw or anular cutter to make pieces.
None of this would likely be thought "food safe".
Let me know, could meet part way, 1/2 way, or?
Could also try Walley World or? look for pastry rollers, have seen some plastic of some type.
Could these guys, don't know what the cost would be.

Don't know if will help, have some mystery plastic here. 1 piece - 1.5x 3.5 long grey black, 5 pieces- 2X 2.75, 11/16 holes in them, white.
Rectangle bar stock, .75 thick X 1and15/16 wide, about 6 7ft pieces, somewhat bittle to work, have used a router on it o.k., white.
Could maybe use hole saw or anular cutter to make pieces.
None of this would likely be thought "food safe".
Let me know, could meet part way, 1/2 way, or?
Could also try Walley World or? look for pastry rollers, have seen some plastic of some type.
appreciate that Bandit - I need PTFE as the client specified that material.
Could these guys, don't know what the cost would be.

Great link YotaBota - these guys are pretty close to my house and they seem to cost less than Norwesco. As usual the forum rocks.
No problem, don't know how to tell PTFE from any of the many others when it's "found" stuff.
It has a high melting point and does not react with much. But I agree I don't know how you would confirm beyond ruling out certain other materials. It's not wood. It's not aluminium. :p
No problem, don't know how to tell PTFE from any of the many others when it's "found" stuff.

My solution to unknownium plastic:


35-ish years ago, I “helped” my 8 year old daughter with an optional school science project: “Do different combinations of plastic & fabric generate different static electrical charges?” I got seven different types of plastic from a local supplier; collected silk, wool, cotton & fur and we made an electroscope. She didn’t get a prize (my wife said we shouldn’t have included the bunny skin, but since one of the other kids just had photos copied from The Scientific American Book of Science Projects I figured the judges just didn’t understand), but I saved the marked rods. They aren’t 100%, but can help narrow down different materials by comparing color and “feel.”

Can’t necessarily tell the difference between copolymer & homopolymer Acetal, but hey, it’s better than nothing.
The stick I bought of Ali is smaller diameter. I was suspicious of what the true composition is, but what do we really know about anything these days. It did take the exhaust heat so looks to be the real stuff.

if only you had more time

btw, if you are boring the middle to some extent, its available this way too