Just now I asked gemini to "Write an Arduino program to send an SOS code to an led."
The code below looks a bit different than what it gave me because the forum post formatting is different from google messenger. So line wraps and returns might need fixing, but you get the idea. It's pretty amazing.
This is what it gave me complete with explanations and documentation! :
// Define the LED pin const int ledPin = 13;
// Define SOS Morse code sequence const char sos[] = "...---...";
// Define timing constants (adjust as needed)
const int dotDuration = 250;// Milliseconds for a dot
const int dashDuration = 750;// Milliseconds for a dash
const int symbolPause = 250;// Pause between symbols
const int letterPause = 500;// Pause between letters
void setup() {
// Set the LED pin as an output pin
Mode(ledPin, OUTPUT);
void loop() {
// Send SOS
// Pause before repeating
delay(2000); // Adjust delay as needed
void sendMorse(const char* code) {
for (int i = 0; code != '\0'; i++) {
switch (code) {
case '.':
// Dot
digitalWrite(ledPin, HIGH);
digitalWrite(ledPin, LOW);
case '-':
// Dash
digitalWrite(ledPin, HIGH);
digitalWrite(ledPin, LOW);
case ' ':
// Space between letters
1. **`ledPin`:** Defines the pin connected to the LED. Change this if your LED is on a different pin.
2. **`sos`:** Stores the SOS Morse code sequence as a string. `...---...` represents S.O.S.
3. **Timing Constants:** Control the speed of the Morse code. Adjust these values (in milliseconds) to change the timing.
4. **`setup()`:** Initializes the LED pin as an output.
5. **`loop()`:** Repeatedly calls the `sendMorse()` function to send the SOS signal and then pauses.
6. **`sendMorse()`:**
- Takes the Morse code string as input.
- Iterates through each character in the string.
- Uses a `switch` statement to handle dots (`.`), dashes (`-`), and spaces.
- For dots and dashes, it turns the LED on (`HIGH`), waits for the specified duration, turns the LED off (`LOW`), and then waits for the symbol pause.
- For spaces, it waits for the letter pause.
**How to Use:**
1. Connect your LED to the specified pin on your Arduino board (and a resistor if needed).
2. Copy and paste this code into the Arduino IDE.
3. Upload the code to your Arduino board.
4. The LED will blink the SOS signal repeatedly.
**Key Improvements over simpler versions:**
* **Uses a character array:** More efficient than individual `digitalWrite` calls.
* **Clearer timing:** Uses constants for easier adjustment.
* **Handles spaces:** Correctly implements pauses between letters.
* **More readable:** Imyproved code structure and comments.
Remember to adjust the timing constants to your preference. This code provides a solid foundation for sending Morse code with an LED.