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I'm not an Arduino guy. Its on the future one day list. But I stumbled on this link co-posted with another post. Anyone have any experience or comments? Looks like one of those higher order visual studio code generator interfaces vs down in the weeds programming. I did notice some YouTubes with that title as well.

I'm not an Arduino guy. Its on the future one day list. But I stumbled on this link co-posted with another post. Anyone have any experience or comments? Looks like one of those higher order visual studio code generator interfaces vs down in the weeds programming. I did notice some YouTubes with that title as well.

I dropped my granddaughter off at my daughter's place last night and my 9yr old grandson wanted to show me these games he developed for his Raspberry Pie. I asked him to make a few changes so I could scope out how much he did himself vs downloaded from the interweb. He seemed to be using a programming interface very similar to your Visuino. You basically drag and drop programming modules into a flow stream and then add modifiers, variables, and constants, constraints, and boulian operators. It was cool.
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Google messenger now has Integrated AI. It's called Gemini. I don't have to use Chatgpt anymore. I tested it a few days ago.

"Create an image of a cute little rabbit playing with a baby fox in a meadow beside a pond in the sun."

This is what it did.

Just now I asked gemini to "Write an Arduino program to send an SOS code to an led."

The code below looks a bit different than what it gave me because the forum post formatting is different from google messenger. So line wraps and returns might need fixing, but you get the idea. It's pretty amazing.

This is what it gave me complete with explanations and documentation! :


// Define the LED pin const int ledPin = 13;

// Define SOS Morse code sequence const char sos[] = "...---...";

// Define timing constants (adjust as needed)

const int dotDuration = 250;// Milliseconds for a dot

const int dashDuration = 750;// Milliseconds for a dash

const int symbolPause = 250;// Pause between symbols

const int letterPause = 500;// Pause between letters

void setup() {
// Set the LED pin as an output pin

Mode(ledPin, OUTPUT);


void loop() {

// Send SOS


// Pause before repeating

delay(2000); // Adjust delay as needed


void sendMorse(const char* code) {

for (int i = 0; code != '\0'; i++) {

switch (code) {

case '.':

// Dot

digitalWrite(ledPin, HIGH);


digitalWrite(ledPin, LOW);



case '-':

// Dash

digitalWrite(ledPin, HIGH);


digitalWrite(ledPin, LOW);



case ' ':

// Space between letters








1. **`ledPin`:** Defines the pin connected to the LED. Change this if your LED is on a different pin.

2. **`sos`:** Stores the SOS Morse code sequence as a string. `...---...` represents S.O.S.

3. **Timing Constants:** Control the speed of the Morse code. Adjust these values (in milliseconds) to change the timing.

4. **`setup()`:** Initializes the LED pin as an output.

5. **`loop()`:** Repeatedly calls the `sendMorse()` function to send the SOS signal and then pauses.

6. **`sendMorse()`:**

- Takes the Morse code string as input.

- Iterates through each character in the string.

- Uses a `switch` statement to handle dots (`.`), dashes (`-`), and spaces.

- For dots and dashes, it turns the LED on (`HIGH`), waits for the specified duration, turns the LED off (`LOW`), and then waits for the symbol pause.

- For spaces, it waits for the letter pause.

**How to Use:**

1. Connect your LED to the specified pin on your Arduino board (and a resistor if needed).

2. Copy and paste this code into the Arduino IDE.

3. Upload the code to your Arduino board.

4. The LED will blink the SOS signal repeatedly.

**Key Improvements over simpler versions:**

* **Uses a character array:** More efficient than individual `digitalWrite` calls.

* **Clearer timing:** Uses constants for easier adjustment.

* **Handles spaces:** Correctly implements pauses between letters.

* **More readable:** Imyproved code structure and comments.

Remember to adjust the timing constants to your preference. This code provides a solid foundation for sending Morse code with an LED.
I have ChatGPT installed but I've primarily used Gemini for a while now, mostly general purpose stuff. For no particular reason than repeat familiarity & it seems to be a bit more 'currently aware'. Maybe worded another way, what Google should be without the crap LOL. When I was doing more VBA for Excel it came in handy but its not slam dunk by any means. Programmers I know at work using other apps said some things will amaze you & other responses are like WTF, so sorting that out also takes time. I've started to mess around with Solidworks API and Gemini is 'meh' at best. Programming support is supposedly one of the the strong suites of these AI apps. They are for sure very useful & conveniently quick, but they have a ways to go IMO

Anyway back to Visuino, sounds like nobody here has used it? Just guessing here with no prior experiences, the wide range of boards & ancillary hardware it supports & code writing demo's seem pretty cool. I highly doubt its a 100% hands off generator, but even if was a 90% heavy lifting tool might be worth consideration. I have too many projects in the que but some of this controller stuff sure looks interesting.

back to Gemini LOL
I’ve used ChatGPT to write complicated code. My last one I’m working on is using a stepper motor rotary table with an encoder for the position, a small i2c screen and encoder dial for menu control. It’s for making gears on my shaper. It’s something I work on once and awhile. I have had success, going step by step in the same thread.
Ya I should probably check out ChatGPT. I got set up on both ChatGPT & Gemini around the same time but for whatever reason tossed a coin & ended up using Gemini more. Not like I'm a power user or anything remotely close. Maybe they have relative strengths & weaknesses.
Ya I should probably check out ChatGPT. I got set up on both ChatGPT & Gemini around the same time but for whatever reason tossed a coin & ended up using Gemini more. Not like I'm a power user or anything remotely close. Maybe they have relative strengths & weaknesses.

I have used both too. I've also used MSoft Copilot. I've more or less settled on Gemini too. It seems to be evolving very quickly and is well integrated into my phone and its functions. I was actually quite surprised when I tried the image generation I posted above and the Arduino programming. I really didn't expect anywhere near that much from it.
You guys are the worst kind of influence.

I never imagined that belonging to a machining forum would lead to ……. this…………:rolleyes:

I’ve had a back burner wanna do project to make a treadmill control board do my bidding. I’ve got three of the things. It just needs something to generate some voltage pulses to tell the board how fast to turn the motor. Even better if twisting a pot can be the man - machine interface.

I had resolved that I’d try to cobble up something with brute force coercion of some analog bits that I know next to nothing about yet and stay away from the complication of microcontrollers and software but now you guys put this AI Arduino writing thing under my nose………….who’d-a thought. Another rabbit hole!

So many interesting things to learn and so little time……:oops:

D :cool:
yeeesssss... just need the right guy to come along, all hot & interested, then hopefully show us some awesome results with a product review!

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It’s still ‘way back on the back burner. Too many physical projects to get through before even thinking about something as virtual as AI generated imaginary software!

The door to microcontrollers did crack open slightly though but I’d have to build on my foundation of…….Fortran…….. and …….Basic.

Feel free to light the way! ;)

D :cool:
I dropped my granddaughter off at my daughter's place last night and my 9yr old grandson wanted to show me these games he developed for his Raspberry Pie. I asked him to make a few changes so I could scope out how much he did himself vs downloaded from the interweb. He seemed to be using a programming interface very similar to your Visuino. You basically drag and drop programming modules into a flow stream and then add modifiers, variables, and constants, constraints, and boulian operators. It was cool.

Sounds like Scratch. My Son is very big into Scratch programming too, and started learning it at school about 4-5 years ago. There is aparently a plugin to use scratch to program arduino, although we've not tried that. He's learning Arduino programming the normal way for now. But he has used Scratch to program and control his lego robot before. Cool stuff I wish I had when I was a kid. I never did get into programming aside from some basic lisp stuff as it pertained to Autocad back in the day, and Gcode. I've dabbled in Arduino a few times, but have never actually made a project with it that required ground up coding. I'm a cut and paste artist :D.......

This looks interesting, and reminds me lot of Grasshopper, a parametric companion to Rhino. I've been a Rhino user for 20+ years, and have dabbled in grasshopper, but never really dove in due to lack of need. I might give this Visuino a try once I clear my slate of current projects and have some time to play with it. I am a very visual guy, so visual/block programming like this will certainly make it easier for my brain to grasp and follow along.

I do have a couple projects in the queue that will require and arduino/esp32. Wife wants some chicken coop automation (feeding, watering, door control and video), and I need to finish a smart speed controller for the yarn winding machine I made for her a couple years ago someday.......
I think for beginners it might be a great thing. If you want to do something serious probably not so much.

My experience with these visual tools is once you get into it and start doing something complex you inevitably hit a wall were something is not doing what it's supposed to. When you try to dig into the details of the code you can only dig so deep so you can't get to the root of the bug and fix it. That doesn't happen with a language like C.

I find Arduino (too much inefficient code) so it can be dumbed down to be useful in some cases, but at least you can just substitute real C/C++ code for what you don't like, while reaping the benefits of the rich libraries available.

I'm guessing you are right & that is purely based on similar visual dashboards I have seen (but limited exposure). if it works you are happy. If it doesn't, or not quite, then you are probably de-bugging or at least 'evaluating' the underlying generated code. And of course that effort takes programming knowledge & more classic language familiarity & that takes time too.