Ultra Member
So I've been getting leads ready to go to do a bench test with the VDF before I pull the old motor out and get things lined up with the 3ph motor on my lathe. I would like to use the controls currently on the lathe for the direction of the rotation and the e-stop. I have identified which wires connect to which switches, but the terminology on the VFD has me a bit confused. I have done a bunch of googling, and looking on Youtube, and while there is some good information, I can't seem to find definitions (in English English) for what all the ports do. I'm also wondering about wiring the emergency stop.
Looking at the control ports, FWD and REV are self-explanatory. As is the ground they would have in common. Would you use the "RST" ("External Reset Signal) for the emergency stop, or does this indicate a rest to factory defaults of the unit? Or would you use so helpfully labeled "Lz"(Relay ON/OFF) to control power to the motor?
Thankfully the connections for the pot are clearly explained.
Thanks in advance for the assistance. I'm getting closer by the day!
Looking at the control ports, FWD and REV are self-explanatory. As is the ground they would have in common. Would you use the "RST" ("External Reset Signal) for the emergency stop, or does this indicate a rest to factory defaults of the unit? Or would you use so helpfully labeled "Lz"(Relay ON/OFF) to control power to the motor?
Thankfully the connections for the pot are clearly explained.
Thanks in advance for the assistance. I'm getting closer by the day!