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UPS - They try so hard to make you hate them

Ridiculous! I've had them charge me other outlandish line items and if you call to ask them why they are usually quick to say, "we will drop that charge for this time" :rolleyes: so I think they must push what ever the customer will bear, unless you challenge them.
Twice in the last month shipments have been “Out for Delivery” only to be changed to “Awaiting Clearance, Shipper has been contacted to provide details” 2 hours later. In other words, the package was scanned onto the truck but then found on the dock. The first time I messaged UPS asking why the change and was given an explanation of how the Customs Clearance process worked. The 2nd time I didn’t bother.

Oh, the 1st package was coming from McMaster’s New Jersey warehouse and the second from Williams-Sonoma in Oak Creek in Michigan (I guess neither state has a trade agreement with Pennsylvania?).
There is an urban legend that UPS trucks do not make left turns. All driving routes are made in a way that driver will not be turning left - only right , even if this require to drive block or two more. Statistically, right turn takes less time so no lefts. If this is true - that level of optimization will allow to hate them by many. Who cares ?!
There is an urban legend that UPS trucks do not make left turns. All driving routes are made in a way that driver will not be turning left - only right , even if this require to drive block or two more. Statistically, right turn takes less time so no lefts. If this is true - that level of optimization will allow to hate them by many. Who cares ?!

This is not a minor rumour. Many couriers have this rule and so do a lot of regular everyday drivers.

It has nothing to do with efficiency and everything to do with safety. Right turns are always with the traffic and always involve oncoming traffic you can see out the drivers door window. No crossing through traffic in either direction. It's also usually easier to merge into traffic when turning right.

To turn left, you go through, then make 3 rights, and live longer.
There's too many outfits like that. We have an out fit called Kenroc, went in got a $5600, quote. Whilst they were loading I looked at the bill and they had added a $15 "administration fee" so I went back in and asked what that was about, "oh we put that on all our sales". I gave them the option to remove it or remove thier product from my truck. They couldn't believe I'd refuse to pay their fee, I couldn't believe they would lose a customer for 0.26%.
There's too many outfits like that. We have an out fit called Kenroc, went in got a $5600, quote. Whilst they were loading I looked at the bill and they had added a $15 "administration fee" so I went back in and asked what that was about, "oh we put that on all our sales". I gave them the option to remove it or remove thier product from my truck. They couldn't believe I'd refuse to pay their fee, I couldn't believe they would lose a customer for 0.26%.
Well played!

Sounds like the environmental fee Praxair/Linde tacks onto things like replacement lenses for welding helmets and gloves.:rolleyes:

D :cool:
Nasty. We switched to Messer, less expensive and better to deal with. Switching can be tricky because of the small print in the contract so be careful (quite the story in itself) but we'll never deal with them again.
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I can't really complain about any delivery service. Purolator is great, as well as Canpar. I have not had any issues with UPS either. The only issues I find is the turnover of drivers for my area. There seems to be new drivers all the time.

I like how UPS has the visa machine right in the van so you can pay import fees and broker fees right on the spot... Lol

We use GLS a fair amount. The drivers are always friendly and helpful. They do LTL as well. Concorde is another LTL company we use.
I like how UPS has the visa machine right in the van so you can pay import fees and broker fees right on the spot... Lol

I've NEVER had an issue with UPS drivers. Along time ago the driver was the father of my daughters boyfriend. Really nice guy.

Our driver for the last 7 years or so is a blonde hottie that likes to stop and chat and enjoy the wildlife here. I ran into her at a Canadian Tire off work once. Holy Crap! She cleans up even hotter! I almost swallowed my tongue. And I know she knew it too!

My issues with UPS is only all their fees. Even the driver apologizes for them. It's just ridiculous. I usually don't have any choice so I pay them on-line through my account. They send me an email with fees due, but I don't click any links. Instead, I log into my account and pay them that way. The driver lady always tells me how much she appreciates that.