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Unique drill sharpener

I get what he is trying to accomplish but I'm struggling with the relief angle geometry. (sketch) if this was the top view & drill in-feeding along black arrow, the blue disc would have to be tilting one way & orange disc the other, equal amounts in order to get opposing relief angle. Call that primary angle. Then for secondary angle, either the drill Vee slide would have to swivel to a new angle assuming discs stay in position. But it looks like Vee is molded integral into the main housing? Because the discs looks to be ganged on a gear drive, I'm doubtful he can vary this much so they are off axis to one another. Those diamond grinding disks are typically thin material, I would expect them to flex with much in feed. But I do thing 3DP could make a lot of interesting fixtures that are otherwise harder to make in the metal world. Personally I would improve the grinding disc & just use one, then use 3DP fixtures to flip the drill so it gets ground to the same datum. That's actually harder than it seems.

I'm making snails progress on my cursed Accusize TCG. (I have lots to talk about once I get pics organized). Anyways just messing around around on rudimentary accessories, one thing I'm discovering is a theoretically perfect grinder setup on a sh*tty drill still makes a sh*tty drill. On my cheesy Ali drill set posted previously, I showed this attempt at a 4-facet correction grind to correct a negative/asymmetrical factory grind. This was one of the better ones. Turns out on bad import drills the flutes are just as unreliable as the rest of features. If flute A is different than B (deeper DOC, different helix...) then the resultant cutting edge ends up being different relative to center even though infeed datum is identical & the facets come to a perfect point. This alone will mean the 2 edges wont be the same & therefore wont cut the same.



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