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Tida 1440 lathe Calgary $1500

Already has two people seeing it in the morning.

I told him he is giving it away for free and I buy it if neither of them do.

I mean seriously I can just haul this to auction and make $1500.
I wonder if it has a more serious problem hence the price? If he uses it everyday he must know his way around it.

Looks like it's sold either way, helluva deal
Could be more serious problem - but I would have worked to have it fixed and then re-sell - I mean unless the gearbox is totally dead its a good deal.
Yes, definitely a deal on the other end of the spectrum, basically free. Ads only been up 3 hours probably sold in 20 minutes
Actually not sold - he has 2 people seeing it tomorrow. I told him its practically free - heck I even tell them I offer $2000.