• Scam Alert. Members are reminded to NOT send money to buy anything. Don't buy things remote and have it shipped - go get it yourself, pay in person, and take your equipment with you. Scammers have burned people on this forum. Urgency, secrecy, excuses, selling for friend, newish members, FUD, are RED FLAGS. A video conference call is not adequate assurance. Face to face interactions are required. Please report suspicions to the forum admins. Stay Safe - anyone can get scammed.

There's a Rusnok mill on Kijiji.


Ultra Member
Premium Member
I don't think I'd pay anywhere near that. I believe they are morse taper spindles and are pretty light duty ( but of course all little bench mills are light duty)


Ultra Member
I looked at one when I had a Burke mill as the head is easily adapted to atlas and Burke horizontal mills. They are quite small but a very well built. I think the high speed is about 5000rpm. The new price at that time was about $2500.

Kelly McLaughlin

Well-Known Member
Thanks for the link John! I haven't figured that out yet. I just copy and pasted the ad number. Lathes.co.uk has a nice write up on them, by all accounts a nice heavily built small mill. you are quite right top speed 5200 RPM lots of adjustability. I don't think the price is bad as long as there's some collets. from reading none were MT early ones used hardinge others a collet similar to Schaublin from what the article says. If you were doing small work it would be fine. Not a substitute for an RF30 or 45 though. : )
I'm a bit late to the game here - but it looks like the hobbyist level machinists are the target of a bit of scamming in Alberta right now.

There is an 'unbelievable' good deal for a set of Rusnok mills in Edmonton on Kijiji right now, the one you mentioned in Calgary and one in Grand Prairie...

If you happen to use google's Chrome browser, when you detail into a picture in Kijiji you can right click on it and 'Search Google for Image'.

The mill in Calgary - shows up in a 2010 post from California on a forum called www.chaski.org/homemachinist
One of the pictures of the mill(s) in Edmonton - shows up on a forum called www.hobby-machinist.com from a post from New York
I couldn't find the origin for the Grand Prairie picture.

There is also a Kijiji 'good deal' on a mill in Lloydminster right now which shows picture used on ebay quite a bit...

I happened to join the www.hobby-machinist.com forum and had a very nice conversation with the owner of the Edmonton picture. He is a wealth of information about the Rusnock mills and likened them to collecting old watches... Not necessarily practical for today's needs but a collectors item and a demonstration of the height of precision tools from a former era...

Anyone got a legit desktop mill for sale that doesn't include a bridge or prime land in Florida?

Good luck out there, stay safe!

p.s. I'm a long time lurker of the site - just joined today so I could post this warning. I didn't post direct URL's in respect of the rules for new guys.
p.p.s I tried to post these websites NOT as links but as soon as I save the message they all get converted back to links. Sorry Moderator...
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Thanks for joining and posting this Tim. Sometimes people are lazy and don't take their own pictures and just reuse something similar from somewhere. As usual members exercise caution buying anything from unknown sellers. Best to go see it and if you can't - don't buy.

Tom Kitta

Ultra Member
I happen to own a Rusnok mill. I bought it for my dad. I also got a set of DA100 collets which are sometimes hard to find. I made a chuck for it myself. It did not come with original table so I got one of these Chinese milling table and added some bearings to make it tighter.

Top speed is 5000 RPM. Motor is 1/3 HP 120V
Made in the USA.

It is high speed version of a mini mill - what mini mill speed should be at the minimum.

These were super expensive mills when made in US - like over 4000 USD new. You can still get parts for them at exorbitant prices. My model was bough by Calgary board of education - I think 95% of these machines in AB are ex. education machines.
I happen to own a Rusnok mill. I bought it for my dad. I also got a set of DA100 collets which are sometimes hard to find. I made a chuck for it myself. It did not come with original table so I got one of these Chinese milling table and added some bearings to make it tighter.

Top speed is 5000 RPM. Motor is 1/3 HP 120V
Made in the USA.

It is high speed version of a mini mill - what mini mill speed should be at the minimum.

These were super expensive mills when made in US - like over 4000 USD new. You can still get parts for them at exorbitant prices. My model was bough by Calgary board of education - I think 95% of these machines in AB are ex. education machines.

Very interesting - thanks for the info. In normal times, I wouldn't hesitate to hop in the vehicle and drive a few hours to a good deal... Unfortunately things aren't so normal at the moment. If I could find one, I find the size and weight of the machine (and the vintage nature of it) appealing.



Ultra Member
That’s a good price! They are smaller than the X2 mills like PA or Busybee sells but I think they are more precise.

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Tom Kitta

Ultra Member
$600 each is a very good price - come even with original table. Usually the price should be around $1000 in good condition with original table.