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South Bend Engine Lathe, is it worth anything?


Brand New Member
Hi to all, I'm Joe and my brother passed away and we are getting around to some of his tools. Its a mess but its all there as far as I know. Were looking for advice on what its worth etc. Thanks. I'm working on uploading some pics, running into snag
Hi Joe, sorry about your brother.

Value will depend on lots of things and its not an exact science. Stuff like the model, what comes with it, condition/wear, location, whether it can be demonstrated and how quickly you want to sell it
Condolences on your loss Joe...this can't be an easy time for you...
Mc's right ... once you get photo's to upload that'll definitely help ascertain what his gear is worth...
By chance though...did he leave any notes behind? Receipts maybe?
If you know anyone in his social circle...might not be a bad idea to network with them...see if he mentioned to anyone his acquisitions for his shop...
Again...sorry for your loss...