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South Bend 7" Shaper - on Edmonton Kijiji


Super User
Hey Everyone,

I know how hard it is to find a shaper in this province, and already have one now, so figured to share this ad for the Albertistan folks. Looks very nice, says he went through it completely. Considering the availability of these things it seems like a reasonable deal:


Not sure if it's already snapped up but it looks like a nice machine. If I didn't already have one this would have followed me home, lol!


Lee - metalworking novice
Wish I was closer, I don't have the room, but I would cram it in the garage somewhere.


Ultra Member
That’s a lot of $! I might have to clean mine up. I don’t think I’d go with that colour though.


Lee - metalworking novice
Looks like he painted to match the other equipment in the background. The mini mill in the background is blue as well.

Tom Kitta

Ultra Member
That’s a lot of $! I might have to clean mine up. I don’t think I’d go with that colour though.

Shaper prices are going up and up. 5 years ago you could have had 7" Atlas in non perfect condition for $300 max $400. But no one wanted one - obsolete tool. Now, on the other hand, they have new life in them. Few are left. Demand goes up. Supply is low. Price goes up.

Expect prices to go up.


ersatz engineer
Within an hour of your post I PM'd him, but it was already conditionally sold, waiting for pickup. They go that fast these days. Seems that metalworking as a hobby is experiencing a Renaissance. At least they aren't going to the scrapper.

Tom Kitta

Ultra Member
If you think metal working is going through a rebirth try blacksmithing. I am actually thinking of buying some real anvils from Poland as I just saw a used beaten up stuff here in AB go for over $7 a pound. For a welded on stuff on top of really bitten anvil it still went for like $3 per lbs - both auction sales. Thus it seems even on auction a brand new real anvil should go for around $10 per lbs.... That is major money. That shaper is worth about as much as 1 150lbs anvil in OK/ good condition...

Brent H

Ultra Member
@Tom Kitta : Watching some of the youtube videos on the shop tours (like Abom79) just makes me sick when I see these guys hording thousands of anvils under the guise of "collecting". One video the guy had warehouses of them....to me that is sick sad and wrong. No way that is collecting unless it is solely meant to drive up the prices for the common guy looking for an anvil.

I have noticed that machinery ( in general) is not lasting long on Kijiji or auctions and prices are creeping up........

Tom Kitta

Ultra Member
Well I think that video was of a dealer. Machines very close together etc. Sure sign its a for money operation. Abom79 is surely making some extra $$$ for such videos or maybe he gets a free gift.

Yes prices even on brand new Chinese machinery are moving up. Over last 5 years they have outpaced general inflation by at least a factor of 2.

A lot of older stuff is simply a victim of demand and supply - there is no more of the stuff but more and more people want it. More people want it due to increased interest - more people have spare time... and there are simply... more people.


Jack of all trades -- Master of none
Premium Member
@Everett , I owe you a beverage! I caught your post about 10 minutes after you posted, while I was in line to dump my garbage at the landfill. I pulled off to the side of the line and called the owner to ask some questions etc. 10 minutes later after he'd send me some videos of the bull-gear both still/in-motion, I made him an offer and we arranged pickup for a week later (today)

@Dabbler, as we discussed yesterday, you were probably 10 minutes too late! I went on a road-trip today and picked 'er up. The seller is a fascinating guy, started as a machinist apprentice at age 14, still at it today. His primary job is running a shaper........... believe it. All internal work on horizontal drill road type stuff (think hexagon internal dovetail splines........) Saw some pictures, crazy stuff -- very humbling.

@Hruul, that blue mill in the background he made -- from scratch. DC motor drive, dovetail ways on the column, power feed, DRO, made the spindle box and spindle......... very cool.

The machine was immaculate. Full tear-down reassemble/repair. I saw the parts that were replaced........ this thing looks brand new and the ways/slides/vise all operate like silk.

I didn't post before today because the deal is never done until it's in the shop -- which it is. Pictures to follow.


Jack of all trades -- Master of none
Premium Member




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