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Shipping from UK


Active Member
Hello members. I’ve be buying up some cast iron parts for my Drummond M lathe. For some reason Royal Mail will not send my raw castings. Has any had this problem? What are we doing wrong? Any alternate methods for shipping?
It’s not to me is it I keep getting a text from CadPostPlus saying I have a parcel there’s even a pic on a cement floor I don’t recognize.
Seems bizarre. Can't be the first time they've shipped cast iron parts.
Nope got one package of 4 that were sent. Did everything properly declaring proper value and still returned. Raw cast iron parts. It’s bizarre.
If its important/heavy/$$ enough you might want to compare other modes which provide a tracking number. I hate recommending couriers because they all have a knack for charging dinger fees over & above other obligatory fees. Just different degrees of pain. But I have used them in the past when there was no other option. Weight and/or dimensional weight is usually the killer with 'post' systems. Another trade secret is of you are getting multiple parts 'of the same shipment', most couriers offer reduced shipping cost & fees on a combined weight basis even though it might be arriving in different boxes for whatever efficiency reason. You should be able to calculate costs pretty readily using online calculators, just using Fedex as example. But you also have to be specific (or your seller has to be specific) about pickup location. They are fussy about FOB their own depots, otherwise pickup fees can occur.
I've had stuff shipped from the UK. I suggest DHL. One time I needed 50 plastic boxes that weren't available in North America. I had them shipped to a friend in the UK. He then arranged DHL and shipped them to me.

The metal working community is international. I'm sure you'd be able to find someone who has worked with castings building whatever who would set up shipping for you if the company won't.
I've had stuff shipped from the UK. I suggest DHL. One time I needed 50 plastic boxes that weren't available in North America. I had them shipped to a friend in the UK. He then arranged DHL and shipped them to me.

The metal working community is international. I'm sure you'd be able to find someone who has worked with castings building whatever who would set up shipping for you if the company won't.
Yes we’re looking at DHL now, hopefully it will be easier.
Nope got one package of 4 that were sent. Did everything properly declaring proper value and still returned. Raw cast iron parts. It’s bizarre.
I had the same issue shipping engine parts to Arizona by air freight. They claimed they contained fuel. I said you're wrong. They still refused, so I figured two can play this game. I filled out paperwork declaring them radioactive, and after sucking up two hours asking for assistance ;)at every step, we got it done. They assured me it would be shipped overnight. Two days later they called and asked me to come in and speak with them. They had not shipped them, admitted they lied, and asked me to withdraw the paperwork, and promised to ship the parts.
This time they did ship them.
I had the same issue shipping engine parts to Arizona by air freight. They claimed they contained fuel. I said you're wrong. They still refused, so I figured two can play this game. I filled out paperwork declaring them radioactive, and after sucking up two hours asking for assistance ;)at every step, we got it done. They assured me it would be shipped overnight. Two days later they called and asked me to come in and speak with them. They had not shipped them, admitted they lied, and asked me to withdraw the paperwork, and promised to ship the parts.
This time they did ship them.
Good grief, what insanity.
We had the same issue getting some brass plate shipped using ParcelForce/Parcel Farce. They couldn't even get the parcel to Ireland!
DHL is predictable, just expect to prepay GST before they deliver to you.
I ordered various parts for my Myford ML7 from the UK a few years back - all were cast - no problems at all shipping through UPS. Seems odd they would refuse....