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Question for those with multi-extruder printers


Ultra Member
Recently I 3D printed some button caps with a different color for the label. My (old) Prusa only has one extruder so what I ended up doing is printing the caps with the symbols debossed and then used model paint to fill in the void (PITA and time consuming) but it looks okayish. The numeric caps were taken from one of those $3 Ali type keypads and they obviously look a bit better.

Based on results from when I print multiple objects during one print, the results are not great because typically a little "hair" of filament seems to track between the various items being printed. which makes me wonder if I had a multiple extruders for multiple colors how well does the printer print the color transition when it has to keep flipping back and forth from one color to another as it would have to when printing fine lines of one color?
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Look into your retraction settings. Try printing a retraction calibration print to dial them in. Retraction pull the filament back before a move so you do not see the stringing you are talking about. Certain materials are better than others too.

Honestly the default retraction settings usually work pretty good but are usually disabled by default as it slows the print down slightly.