Best for casting imo, and that many other enthusiasts, is 873 silicon bronze. It has zero or close to zero zinc, and casts and machines well enough. No/low zinc is important as it boils off before the metal is at casting temps.....that is why brass is challenging to cast. The way to overcome that is a very intense furnace that quite quickly raises the temp so not all the zinc is burned off, something I don't have so i try and stay away from stuff with zinc. If you do melt something with zinc, have things well ventilated can see steady white wisps of it coming out of the melter - not good to breath and of course the more of it you lose, the crappy will be alloy you are left with and casting thereof.
Get an ingot from Sculpture supply, best way to go imo if you want a quality result. I've got a nub of one and when it runs out will buy an ingot. Several hundred dollars for 20 lbs, but with that much, I'll have a lifetime supply (I've only used it for small stuff)
If you are just trying to recycle, as I understand it, that can be very challenging to do from chips, but no first hand experience. When I've cast bronze it's such a challenge getting everything right, it's a big win being able to eliminate sources of error where ever you can, e.g. using a quality ingot of the right alloy. Started using mystry bronze from the bin, not worth it - there is lots time and energy spent on each pour,
Silicon Bronze (Everdur C873) is a non-ferrous alloy suitable for casting into ceramic shell/investment molds for lost wax casting. It may also be cast into sand molds for the sand casting process. Sold by the ingot, priced by the pound.Minimum order is one ingot.Orders will be processed based...