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Privacy screen for garage door


Ultra Member
Can't vouch for the garage-sized model, but we use a similar concept on a man door at the cabin. Keeps flies, wasps, skeeters, etc., out & provides a bit of air movement, but not a lot. The weave is fairly tight.


Premium Member
Premium Member
a friend of myne has a screen similar to this on his garage, pretty wicked, you can see out, but people cant really see in
I bought one identical to the picture for the 16 x 10 door on my new shop. It has been on since the snow left. Storms, high prairie winds. No issues. Love it! Automatically seals and closes behind you with the magnets. Keeps out bugs, moths and blowing leaves. Going to get a smaller one for the garage next. Well made. Great, fine Velcro. One of my better purchases from off Amazon. I was going to build my own with a removable frame, but thought I would try this first. Glad I did

Tom O

Ultra Member
I’m glad to hear that you like it mines coming on the 11 according to Amazon prime. I was wondering about a retractable frame

Tom O

Ultra Member
I did receive it but I haven’t got it up yep I’ll get my Son to give me a hand with it due to its size to make it easier hanging it. It doesn’t look bad though but does have really bad instructions.