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Plasma cut quality


I don't plasma cut frequently, but I have been recently, while modifying my workbench. I've narrowed the bench and was ready to cut down the 1/8" top, so I did a few test cuts to setup the machine. Air pressure is right in the middle green LED (Hypertherm T45). I tried currents from 25-35 and different travel speeds at each current, but my cuts aren't penetrating. Do I just need a new electrode and shield on the torch?


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Why not up the amps to 45?
Personally, I’d try to start at an edge or a hole. If you have to start on a flat surface, angle the torch so the slag is blown away from the cut until you get full penetration. Once you’ve got full penetration and the slag is blowing out the bottom, the start moving, allowing full penetration all along the cut as you proceed.
I find cutting without full penetration just fouls up my tip pretty quickly.
Compare your electrode with a new one. If the old one has a much larger or elongated hole, replace and try a cut again.
I agree with both of Tom O’s suggestions. Looking closer at your cut, it looks like the slag is not being blown out —> more air. And yeah, check the ground (It’s always a bad ground…). And I believe you can get a pretty nasty zap if you become the ground.
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I have a Lotos 40, with no pilot arc start. It uses the drag style castellated tip. The last time I used it, I was getting a lot of slag on the back side and inconsistent cutting. I tried different cutting speeds, currents and air pressure with no luck. After I replace the castellated tip I got a much better consistent cut.