New addition to my work shop. A pristine die filer, likely original paint. Sadly Oliver of Adrian no longer seem to reply to phone or email so can't find out the vintage. But this model has beena dvertised since the 1940's I think.
Came with a good selection of short files (cut 2) and 8" ones (cut 00, 0, and 2) mostly Nicholson brand.
@Lucky7 is providing me with some photos of the other over arm, that has a roller to support the file.
This particular model can handle files of almost any length, piercing saw plabes, hack saw blades, stones and cloth on a backing for sanding. So far I have found a use for it almost every day that I am in the shop.
Came with a good selection of short files (cut 2) and 8" ones (cut 00, 0, and 2) mostly Nicholson brand.
@Lucky7 is providing me with some photos of the other over arm, that has a roller to support the file.
This particular model can handle files of almost any length, piercing saw plabes, hack saw blades, stones and cloth on a backing for sanding. So far I have found a use for it almost every day that I am in the shop.