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Off topic, way off ... Sydnie Christmas.

I never watch these talent shows, but she kept popping up in my YouTube suggestions, so eventually I gave in and clicked. An amazing talent is all that I can say. Just try watching all three songs and try telling me you didn't shed a single tear.......



Ultra Member
Premium Member
Very nice. Stunning really. Only listened to tomorrow. Couldn't get the damn youtube to play the other songs properly and gave up.


Ultra Member
Premium Member
I try to have a gun along to shoot the coyotes coming in for feeding

Met my wife singing and playing guitar in a church choir. Must have sounded good enough to land her. Much better than attracting a hungry yote!

In my amateur opinion, this young lady was amazing. Wish I could hear her other songs. "My Way" is prolly a good one - could be very powerful done well.