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CA-BC New Busy Bee Website

British Columbia


I Tried, It Broke
Premium Member
Looks like Busy Bee has changed their website, and maybe not for the better. I’ m looking for a manual for a BB B096 milling machine. So, like I’ve done dozens of times in the past, I go to the BB website and scroll to the bottom of the page to click on the <Product Manuals> link.

Not there. The link no longer exists. But being the diligent researcher I am, I start randomly poking at links. No luck. Gritting my teeth, I click on the Chat box. They’ve implemented an AI link, or so they say. And from there I found the Manuals link.

Not impressed. I doubt even the best AI implementation possible will help their customer service.

Looks like Busy Bee has changed their website, and maybe not for the better. I’ m looking for a manual for a BB B096 milling machine. So, like I’ve done dozens of times in the past, I go to the BB website and scroll to the bottom of the page to click on the <Product Manuals> link.

Not there. The link no longer exists. But being the diligent researcher I am, I start randomly poking at links. No luck. Gritting my teeth, I click on the Chat box. They’ve implemented an AI link, or so they say. And from there I found the Manuals link.

Not impressed. I doubt even the best AI implementation possible will help their customer service.

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perhaps one more reason to avoid them in future.

I just tried a couple of bookmarks I had to existing manuals and they are now dead links.

when a company starts to engage in such cost cutting measures it means things are not looking rosy on the financial front

You aren't wrong in the fact their service has gone from bad to worse! I don't even shop there anymore except for minor items like abrasive paper or cutting oil, everything else is junk! And no disrespect to those that do, their machines are great for the hobbyist but things like Endmills and other commodity tooling are just what they are, cheap offshore stuff.
How did I miss that, or did they just fix it?
How did I miss that, or did they just fix it?

They moved their hosting all over to shopify so while bookmarks and links to old resources are broken the assets are not gone. They're also apparently now easier to find if you know to look for new menu item

But talk about burying the lede, the product manuals link is the very last item on the busybee webpage. IMO it should be on the top menu bar