• Scam Alert. Members are reminded to NOT send money to buy anything. Don't buy things remote and have it shipped - go get it yourself, pay in person, and take your equipment with you. Scammers have burned people on this forum. Urgency, secrecy, excuses, selling for friend, newish members, FUD, are RED FLAGS. A video conference call is not adequate assurance. Face to face interactions are required. Please report suspicions to the forum admins. Stay Safe - anyone can get scammed.

Myford super 7 metal lathe, Pincher Creek, $3000

....must be my eyes, but I don't see the gear box.... Or, are the gears stored neatly in a box.... Yeah, that must be it...
Can’t tell for sure, but are those gears stacked up to the left, and above, the lathe dogs in the ‘accessories’ picture?
Looks like a half dozen of only 2 sizes though?
Way, way, way too much money for that lathe.

It is the cheap version of ML7 - similar one had huge problems to be sold under 2000 (if I remember 1700).

This one has more accessories. I say fair price is maybe 2000.

This is NOT a Super 7. Its the cheapest ML7 money could have gotten.

The luck of gearbox drops the price a LOT. Heck, maybe $2000 is generous.
That is backwards, the super 7 is superior to the ML7, unless you are referring to super 7 specific issues?

The ML7 spindle runs on drip-fed oiled bushes, whereas the super 7 has ball bearings at the rear, and a conical oiled bush at the front. The super 7 has a max speed of ~2300 rpm where as the ML7’s max speed from factory is only 1250. Some (all?) super 7s have power crossfeed as well, although its unclear from the photos which version this is. Super 7 also has a much nicer tailstock.

I personally don’t think the pricing for this is that far off, maybe it’ll go for $2500?

EDIT: That’s not to say I think this is worth $2500 or $3k, but I wouldn’t be surprised if it goes for that

EDIT 2: I misread Tom’s post, this reply can be ignored lol.
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I took another look at the super tiny (on purpose???) images and I do see it has "super 7" on the cover and does not have ML7 drip feed. But it does not have gear box which all super 7 machines AFAIK did have. So what is this, stripped down super 7? A hybrid?

This may drop a price even further - as the machine is very suspicious.

An actual Super 7 in good condition would easily be worth 5000 in Alberta.
I believe the super 7’s with gearboxes from the factory are technically a “Super 7B”, but I dont think the “B” is in the decals, just the catalogue name. But they did sell with and without.

To add more confusion the ML7-R has the super7 headstock and tailstock, but uses the base casting and apron/saddle/cross-slide assembly from the ML7.

I believe the super 7’s with gearboxes from the factory are technically a “Super 7B”, but I dont think the “B” is in the decals, just the catalogue name. But they did sell with and without.

To add more confusion the ML7-R has the super7 headstock and tailstock, but uses the base casting and apron/saddle/cross-slide assembly from the ML7.

Yes, I did some more digging and indeed some people got Super 7 without a gear box!

I owned yet another type of ML7 - it had standard ML7 bearings, gearbox but also a clutch. I sold it over a year ago.
Yeah, basically the ML7-R is a Super 7, without the power cross feed apron that they put on the newer Super 7's, so pretty much the same as the older Super 7's out there.

The one listed further down this sub-forum, in Rocky Mountain House, sure looks like a screaming good deal, at least, from it's condition in pictures.

Unless that one comes with a LOT more stuff than shown, I don't think I'd drive across town to go see it at that price.
Yeah, basically the ML7-R is a Super 7, without the power cross feed apron that they put on the newer Super 7's, so pretty much the same as the older Super 7's out there.

The one listed further down this sub-forum, in Rocky Mountain House, sure looks like a screaming good deal, at least, from it's condition in pictures.

Unless that one comes with a LOT more stuff than shown, I don't think I'd drive across town to go see it at that price.

Agreed, the RMH looks like a far better deal - not sure I would say "screaming" deal - than again maybe in condition it is, its a better deal than most.

You guys crack me up!

Just like a gaggle of old ladies, all of you persist in debating if any particular piece of machinery advertised on here, or listed on here, is "a good deal", "worth it", "not worth it", etc, along with other disparaging remarks based upon "your opinions".

Why is this?

Who cares what your opinion of "worth" is?

Have you nothing better to do than this, to occupy your idle minds?

IMO, If anyone were / are foolish enough to list anything for sale on this site, they had better have their "flame suit" on. Because they surely will get "flamed".

You guys crack me up!

Just like a gaggle of old ladies, all of you persist in debating if any particular piece of machinery advertised on here, or listed on here, is "a good deal", "worth it", "not worth it", etc, along with other disparaging remarks based upon "your opinions".

Why is this?

Who cares what your opinion of "worth" is?

Have you nothing better to do than this, to occupy your idle minds?

IMO, If anyone were / are foolish enough to list anything for sale on this site, they had better have their "flame suit" on. Because they surely will get "flamed".
I figure you must have even less to occupy yours, if writing here to complain about our talking, is the best you can come up with.

Seems to me, that YOU had nothing better to do than to read through the thread, and then complain about it's contents.

And THAT, is pretty funny, really! LOL!
You guys crack me up!

Well, some good came of it then :) Is that your lathe? I thought it was a fair offering given the tooling, of course the rubber meets the road on inspection and assessment of wear/condition

Members would typically post in the "classifieds" subsection where there is a rule against the editorializing, one I wholeheartedly endorse. Who's to say who's opinion , unsolicited I might add, is right or BS, but meanwhile what peeps have to say affects the guy trying to sell. Let the market decide.

Other than technical clarifications, I wouldn't be adverse to seeing the same rule extended here. I often post stuff I don't post here and don't really appreciate reading an opinion piece on my offering.

Said with all due respect to members who would disagree, as I am sure many would....and I confess to not being squeaky clean either, occasionally poking fun at ones that are just so goofy it can't helped. (on the otherhand, if they are not precieved as being a "deal", why are they even being posted?)
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IMO, If anyone were / are foolish enough to list anything for sale on this site, they had better have their "flame suit" on. Because they surely will get "flamed".

Remarks opinions, disparaging remarks, jokes, and any comments other than questions about the item being sold are forbidden on our forum classified ads section for that very reason and a few others.

All the above are totally ok on ads found elsewhere.

Besides that, having fun is a large part of why we are here!

But please don't make it personal.

You guys crack me up!

Just like a gaggle of old ladies, all of you persist in debating if any particular piece of machinery advertised on here, or listed on here, is "a good deal", "worth it", "not worth it", etc, along with other disparaging remarks based upon "your opinions".

Why is this?

Who cares what your opinion of "worth" is?

Have you nothing better to do than this, to occupy your idle minds?

IMO, If anyone were / are foolish enough to list anything for sale on this site, they had better have their "flame suit" on. Because they surely will get "flamed".
I enjoy and value members opinions, even if I don't agree with them. I hope it continues!
I enjoy and value members opinions, even if I don't agree with them. I hope it continues!

Same here. There should not be any "personal" feelings attached to a piece of machinery for sale - its a business transaction - we simply are discussing merits of it - is it a good idea. Of course buyer is the only that has final say.

I like to know how much stuff is worth so when I buy or sell I can realistically know what am I doing. After all, few people enjoy overpaying and then when they do not need to selling low.

Other sites do the same - people ask members for an opinion - is it good idea to do X. Not necessarily buying used stuff, say making things. I do not feel its wrong to give piece of advice. After all, discussion is why we have this board.