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My Kozo Hiraoka Pensy switcher in 3d!


Hi everyone!
My fist goal when I goes to 3d printing was, like many of you, to make pattern and mold to make castings. Didn't move that way till now but start another project: making the locomotive project that I am machining in metal in plastic 3D. Beside the interest of having a cool object, it also give me a real size view of the piece itself, making it easier to visualize and prepare the setup. The idea is to get it mechanically functionnal but many technical constraints need to be consider...
So here is where it stand for:IMG_0440.jpg
Impressive to see numerous components fitted together like that.
I had to make several adjustments to dimensions because shrinking effect was not present at same level depending the size and the filling of each pieces. And some (few) are made in metal for solidity and rigidity (I made internals pieces too :))... Another kind of challenge!

Very cool! I think (I know) if I tried to do something like that I would get bored after seeing it in plastic and never go any further. Nicely done.

Very cool! I think (I know) if I tried to do something like that I would get bored after seeing it in plastic and never go any further. Nicely done.
Here’s how the project standing at the moment:

View attachment 6217
Well... I suppose that’s the reason I also build it in metal ... and probably less boring because I already drew it in 3D, so the printing is not a big step afterward. It’s more for my own pleasure than a achievement.

Loco 26 avec tender.JPG
Thanks for the links! I saw many Kozo projects but didn’t make any search about it since a long time. Always good to see pics and methods from others!
The Shay is simply beautiful, I wish to get this level of excellence, but it’s hard to reach LNH at my age :rolleyes:
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Not sure if it is pertinent in this forum section, even in this forum itself... moderators will tell me... but just to have another view of the files that are use for my 3D
printing, here' another view of my loco:
Loco 30.JPG