Nothing spectacular. My brother has a BMW motorbike. Apparently it has a known issue where the grips can resonate at a certain cruise rpm & I guess that buzz can fatigue your hands over extended rides. Anyway he found this article where a guy played with different weights & found the magic mass that supposedly dampens the frequency. They offer CNC ones that look like this but polished stainless. Very pretty but rather spendy (75USD/set sans shipping & fees). So I banged this out using whatever CRS he brought me. I think they were north of >500g if I recall. I was too lazy to mount the radius turner on so just did the stepover infeed & file it smooth trick. I think the plan is Rustoleum black just to protect it & see if it works so I didn't go crazy on the finish.
Owning a lathe makes a guy studly popular with friends, almost as much as owning a pickup truck.
Owning a lathe makes a guy studly popular with friends, almost as much as owning a pickup truck.