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Modern Mill, Edmonton, $400

If I needed another mill, I'd be all over it. Vertical head, t-slotted table plus horizontal arbour supports with it are enticing. If I were twenty years younger and it proved to have drive train problems, I would add hydraulic cylinders and make that baby planer I have always wanted.
Thanks for posting, I seem to be slow to the game, If ever a small mill shows up - it will be gone by the time I see it!

Thanks again
You're welcome. I'm looking for a mill, myself, so I'm on Kijiji AB every day & BC & SK every few days. Throw in a weekly or so check in ON, got a lot of the country covered.

If I knew anything about them, I may even consider this one an option. Alas...
If you have the room it’s not even a gamble, grab it!!! But like earlier posts said, it’s still a weighty footprint not for most hobby guys. I have a bp knee mill and it is no where near as sturdy as this one but it is definitely more versatile. Eventually one starts to look at the yard stick of life and go HMMM. Not wanting to be a downer, but just saying. Dabbler, I hear you. My wife walks into my shop,looks at the gear, look# up at the ceiling and says I’m first
I wish I had room for it!

This machine is old. Made by Standard Modern in Canada when they were still Modern Tool Works so likely built in the 40's. A quick search found no information on the 2MP model but vintage machinery has some info on a 2LU.

Finding parts would likely be impossible but if I had room it would be worth the gamble that it functions.
Thisnl is what I stumbled on too. Im guess the 2 MP model is 60s or 70s model.
You're welcome. I'm looking for a mill, myself, so I'm on Kijiji AB every day & BC & SK every few days. Throw in a weekly or so check in ON, got a lot of the country covered.

If I knew anything about them, I may even consider this one an option. Alas...
You and I are on the hunt for the same thing it seems. Thanks for the tips.

What size are you after ?
Should do a group run to grizzly industrial or order from PM and get a deal. Lol
I've done my part within the last year with my Victoria Elliott U0 mill for the same price, although I didn't get a vertical head with it. This is an even better deal.

someone else will have to buy this one

(did get a sweet vise and extra arbors, so no complaints :P)
If anyone needs a mill - make space in garage and get this one. $400 today is noting and when fixed up a bit this thing will run circles around all small mills out there that costs $5000 or less.
I'm having a hard time trying to understand why this is still available..... All the noise about the only deals being back east, and here's a bonafide steal of a deal here in the wastelands known as the West and nobody has $400? If I didn't already have a horizontal mill I would be planning my fuel and rest stops..... This is a Canadian made machine and likely from steel that was mined from the ground we walk on....... It might be a gamble, but probably not as big of one as buying a new chinese offering......
I figure that if I can't be the enabler on this one I had better shame someone into it... Lol:p:rolleyes:
I have 400 bucks. Just not 40 empty square feet in the shop. At least without parking the wife's "swagger wagon" permanently in the driveway

Would be sorely tempted though if I had space . . .
I really want it but to far away otherwise it would already be in my shop. Taking up all the room, but still worth it.