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Tool Mill table chucks



Super User
I made some comments in this earlier thread about purchasing / price of lathe chucks.

I was in the process of purchasing a couple 10” - 4J scroll chucks, rear mount. Now that they have arrived, I can build out the description - figured I’d do so with a new thread. Photo below of the two chucks, one having two piece jaws, plus a set of soft jaw tops, the other with the usual two sets of hard jaws.

The motivation to get two was because of the cost of shipping (sea transport), the second chuck was really cheap - the combined shipping cost was actually a little less than just getting one chuck! I have a CNC mill and like to setup multiple locations (I have other chucks I can use on the mill, but am not keen on always pulling off the lathe chuck mounting plate or cludging up a means of securing it.

I don’t know what air freight would cost - they didn’t give me the option on the 10” chuck (only 8” and smaller). The estimated delivery time was 3 months - it showed up a month early (cool). The actual delivery was on a UPS truck (two separate boxes about 75 pounds each). The all in cost was $756 dollars. There were no additional import fees/duty/taxes (likely that was added at the front end?) - perhaps a bill will show up in the mail?

Anyway, I’m pleased with the results, the chucks are dirty (some sort of a fine black grit throughout) and no lubricant - just a bit of preservative. My intent was to drill through and make them front mount (I didn’t like the offered front mount because the bolt spacing didn’t align to my mill table), located to land in three T-slots on the mill table.

So now I need to clean and lube them. I am rethinking the mounting - they are not very tall, I might foot mount them to gain some throat depth (my existing table chuck is a 13” 3J with, I like the height, but it is heavy and takes up quite a bit of table space). Maybe foot mounting will be the way to go (stay tuned).

My (limited, and not recent) experience with UPS is that they will charge an "import fee" for anything and everything they can. Expect it in the mail And for a small item it can be many times the value of the item itself. (Regular mail best for small things.) Whenever possible I try to request that UPS not be used. Probably unavoidable in this case.
Okay, thank you for the heads up. Given that the chucks are coming from China, there should be import fees (when /if you get a bill, I’ll update this thread).