Metal Punch Set - Not Greenlee


Ultra Member
I have a good set of Greenlee punches for thicker metal, I also have a cheap but works hand held pliers action type punch for small holes in shim thick metals. What I don't have is an inclusive metal punch set for holes in the say 20-30mm or so perhaps anyone have a set of these?

I was thinking of something similar to this, except for shim thick steel or light gauge aluminum:

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Super User
What I really like about the Neiko set you posted is it has a centering pointer. It aligns the punch much better when making washer like gaskets, shims....
Align the center pointer to a prick punch marking, punch the O.D , align the center pointer, punch the I.D and you got a well centered washer. Unlike my cork punch set there is no way to align the diameters, unless I take a divider and draw the diameters on the materials.

These knife edge type of punches tend to cut softer material better. It might deform the metal shim materials you are trying to cut. Using the right backing material would improve the finish product. Maybe a dollar store kitchen cutting board or a self healing mat could be a good backing.