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Shop Looking to buy a dedicated workshop in the next couple of years in the GTA



Hello all, hope everyone is doing well. I've been doing most of my work out of my garage but was thinking of upscaling to a local workshop in the GTA. I've been looking on marketplace and kijiji, even real estate sites, for a workshop but they seem to be extremely rare/I'm really bad at looking. Anyone have any info on where/how to look for one? Anything larger than a 1 car garage would be plenty, no clue on pricing for now. Would only consider buying the property freehold; no leasing.
Are you looking for a standalone shop, house with shop on the property, Commercial building, retail frontage etc? Where in the GTA? it's a big place.

A little east of the GTA, but this place has been listed for a long time now, and I'm only linking it in hopes that you, or someone else will buy it so I can stop trying to convince my wife to sell our place and move here. It's just a bit too far for her to drive to work :(

This place also has a nice shop, and is right around the corner from me. Close to 407/115 junction.

Spend some time on MLS browsing around. Use search filters and be patient ready to pounce. Big price country acreages around here seem to be sitting and not moving. Prices coming down? Might be a good time to go shopping, or wait longer.
Hard to understand why the first place is only 800k. Looks terrific. How far is it from Toronto? What am I missing?
Unless you find a unicorn, what you will find that meets the requirements of a shop is industrial space. The thing that fulfills the industrial needs for owning space is an industrial condo. Basically an industrial multi unit building that has been condominiumized. They were never hugely popular and are a small part of the inventory. Industrial real estate has gone nuts here (I spent 15 years with the largest commercial broker in the country so through friends hear the news). Doesn't matter lease or own, prices of each are tied to the same fundamentals. I just heard of a 20,000 sq free stand building (huge for shop but small for industrial) in south Miss sell for $7MM for example, or a 100,000 foot lease was just done in Vaughan at $20/sf net. 20/sf used to be what office's leased for! Industrial rents have about tripled since Covid.

Anyway, that is the dynamic you are up against.

Even with unlimited funds, I would have great difficulty with it - traffic is so bad here, and you'd be having to drive to an industrial area, I'd never want to go. The shop has to be on the property so I can use it for 1/2 an hour without planning, traffic or driving.

imo, put the money into a bigger house with more garage, or get out of Dodge like Dan suggests and get a house with some land and a seperate big shop. The practicality of that inpart gets determined by where (if) you work. Out in the burbs might be doable, but a long commute is horrible.

Toronto used to be a great city, but unless you have to get D/T for work, its not the most compelling place to be period, let alone if you're wanting a big shop.

A sampling from a quick google search ... while not remotely hobby priced, you can get 1100 sf for $600,000 which is less than I would have guessed :eek: . Then again, after paying the condo fees you feel like you're still renting lol

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Hard to understand why the first place is only 800k. Looks terrific. How far is it from Toronto? What am I missing?
130km to 401/dvp junction. I still think it's way overpriced at 800k, but my brain still hasn't adjusted to this stupid irrational pricing. It was an ex U haul dealer/farm mechanics, so I'm betting it's quite a fixer upper, with a bunch of hidden gotchas. Just like my place was when I bought it. Probably another reason the Wife is a hard no, she's not going though that again lol.
130km to 401/dvp junction

What does "dvp" mean?

Regardless, 130km to TO isn't TO anymore, so price is a little more believable. That's the whole reason I started by suggesting he move out of GTA in post #2.

Price's in TO only make sense to people who live there. I think they are insane. You can get twice as much for half the money a few hours away. You don't have to fight TO traffic if you don't live or work there. It's a win/win/win to move away. More, for less, and more time to live too.
130km to 401/dvp junction. I still think it's way overpriced at 800k, but my brain still hasn't adjusted to this stupid irrational pricing. It was an ex U haul dealer/farm mechanics, so I'm betting it's quite a fixer upper, with a bunch of hidden gotchas. Just like my place was when I bought it. Probably another reason the Wife is a hard no, she's not going though that again lol.
It is indeed over priced. I've seen wayyy better. But further from Toronto, which is what I'd call a bonus except when I need to visit my Dr
Hello all, hope everyone is doing well. I've been doing most of my work out of my garage but was thinking of upscaling to a local workshop in the GTA. I've been looking on marketplace and kijiji, even real estate sites, for a workshop but they seem to be extremely rare/I'm really bad at looking. Anyone have any info on where/how to look for one? Anything larger than a 1 car garage would be plenty, no clue on pricing for now. Would only consider buying the property freehold; no leasing.
I'd say forget Toronto if you can.

I watch the GTHA real estate market regularly, like weekly. You're not searching wrong, there is just very little inventory. If you find a place it will likely be 45 minutes from your home at best, cost more than anyone can afford unless they have a business.

The best options used to be industrial condos in Scarborough, in 2006 you could find them for 150-250K, now however they're about 1 mil. Many people bought industrial condos and have illegal apartments in them to convert them to live work places. I wish I'd bought one of these when I saw it in 2006 but I couldn't convice the wife.

Non-condo properties cost way more, are typically larger and have high taxes.

Best bet is country home outside of Toronto, where you commonly find excellent large shops often with 3 phase power.
Are you looking for a standalone shop, house with shop on the property, Commercial building, retail frontage etc? Where in the GTA? it's a big place.

A little east of the GTA, but this place has been listed for a long time now, and I'm only linking it in hopes that you, or someone else will buy it so I can stop trying to convince my wife to sell our place and move here. It's just a bit too far for her to drive to work :(

This place also has a nice shop, and is right around the corner from me. Close to 407/115 junction.

Spend some time on MLS browsing around. Use search filters and be patient ready to pounce. Big price country acreages around here seem to be sitting and not moving. Prices coming down? Might be a good time to go shopping, or wait longer.
Yeah those are all some great questions I have to ask myself, got the same problem as you brother gotta get some of the family to be down for the move as well. All things to consider, thank you for the reply.
Unless you find a unicorn, what you will find that meets the requirements of a shop is industrial space. The thing that fulfills the industrial needs for owning space is an industrial condo. Basically an industrial multi unit building that has been condominiumized. They were never hugely popular and are a small part of the inventory. Industrial real estate has gone nuts here (I spent 15 years with the largest commercial broker in the country so through friends hear the news). Doesn't matter lease or own, prices of each are tied to the same fundamentals. I just heard of a 20,000 sq free stand building (huge for shop but small for industrial) in south Miss sell for $7MM for example, or a 100,000 foot lease was just done in Vaughan at $20/sf net. 20/sf used to be what office's leased for! Industrial rents have about tripled since Covid.

Anyway, that is the dynamic you are up against.

Even with unlimited funds, I would have great difficulty with it - traffic is so bad here, and you'd be having to drive to an industrial area, I'd never want to go. The shop has to be on the property so I can use it for 1/2 an hour without planning, traffic or driving.

imo, put the money into a bigger house with more garage, or get out of Dodge like Dan suggests and get a house with some land and a seperate big shop. The practicality of that inpart gets determined by where (if) you work. Out in the burbs might be doable, but a long commute is horrible.

Toronto used to be a great city, but unless you have to get D/T for work, its not the most compelling place to be period, let alone if you're wanting a big shop.

A sampling from a quick google search ... while not remotely hobby priced, you can get 1100 sf for $600,000 which is less than I would have guessed :eek: . Then again, after paying the condo fees you feel like you're still renting lol

Thank you for the reply, I completely agree with the conclusions you've made. I think my best bet is to search elsewhere and try to plan a move. Work is a big consideration I'll have to plan around as well.
I'd say forget Toronto if you can.

I watch the GTHA real estate market regularly, like weekly. You're not searching wrong, there is just very little inventory. If you find a place it will likely be 45 minutes from your home at best, cost more than anyone can afford unless they have a business.

The best options used to be industrial condos in Scarborough, in 2006 you could find them for 150-250K, now however they're about 1 mil. Many people bought industrial condos and have illegal apartments in them to convert them to live work places. I wish I'd bought one of these when I saw it in 2006 but I couldn't convice the wife.

Non-condo properties cost way more, are typically larger and have high taxes.

Best bet is country home outside of Toronto, where you commonly find excellent large shops often with 3 phase power.
This is probably what i'll end up doing. Thank you for the advice.
I have been casually looking for the same thing for years to the west of the GTA...there is nothing that isn't insanely priced. Even just finding a rural lot with nothing on it is $1m+ unless it's environmentally protected, which anything cheaper always is. Trying to find something that is say sub $500k within a half hour of home that is 1+ acres to fit a shop and not be in a subdivision just isn't happening.
Just spotted on Facebook Marketplace:


Trendy subterranian wigwam inspired bungaloo in beautiful tree laden acreage in southern owen sound. Wonderful ventalation, naturally cool, wildlife adacent and within earshot of the beautiful inglis falls.

Must be okay living with current occupants (spiders, salamaders and opossum), heavy foot traffic (bruce trail goes right infront if the front door) and you must provide your own toilet.

Serious offers only, will not haggle i know what i got.”

I do love a good joke ad.

It’s a joke, right…?
Just spotted on Facebook Marketplace:

View attachment 50019

Trendy subterranian wigwam inspired bungaloo in beautiful tree laden acreage in southern owen sound. Wonderful ventalation, naturally cool, wildlife adacent and within earshot of the beautiful inglis falls.

Must be okay living with current occupants (spiders, salamaders and opossum), heavy foot traffic (bruce trail goes right infront if the front door) and you must provide your own toilet.

Serious offers only, will not haggle i know what i got.”

I do love a good joke ad.

It’s a joke, right…?

There are so many joke real estate listings on facebook you'd be inclined to think "it's a joke right?"

But then there are dozens of closets, beds in illegal basement dorms, mattresses on stairway landings, tree houses etc listed for rent that are legitimately being offered you just cant be sure any more.
Well if you want to relocate to lovely SK. i own 2 empty lots in the former village of Dunblane. Not sure of the view as i have never gone to look at them, but they are near to Lake Diefenbaker. Asking price is negotiable but well south of $20 grand. :) Prime and crappy farm land has been selling like hot cakes as well so don't wait to long for this prime residential property. Here today maybe gone tomorrow.