What a brilliant idea. Easy enough to carefully lay out two small dimples on the closed outside jaws at a precise distance. Say 0.200” apart. Then set the vernier at 0.200” less than the desired divider spacing.On page 24 of the precision measuring book they show that some vernier have some indentation for setting a divider or trammel. That would be useful, I often try to measure the distance of the divider and have to guesstimate the measurements because of the difficulty to align both tips , the vernier and the divider and just the right resistance drag to get a good measurement.
Thanks for posting the manual
Sorry: that sucks!With all due respect and appreciation for the listing Chazz, that indicator is over CA$100 by the time it gets here. US$31 shipping, exchange rate, GST likely added plus 25% tariff.
Ordering the same item from UK (Chronos.co.uk) is CA$54 plus likely GST.
It is almost always cheaper to ship from UK to Canada than from US.
Unless the item is specifically listed in the reciprocal tariffs annouced by the GoC on Tuesday this week (Mar 4/25), it wont be subjected to a 25% tariff. Canada is specifically targetting certain US exports for tariffs.plus 25% tariff.
it's US$31 for shipping from LMS, and HST is charged in ON on goods coming in from US AFAICR. And yes, perhaps no 25% on measuring tools yet but you can expect that in the near future. Regardless, less expensive from the UK. Shipping from US almost always kills the deal for me, regardless of tariffs or not.Unless the item is specifically listed in the reciprocal tariffs annouced by the GoC on Tuesday this week (Mar 4/25), it wont be subjected to a 25% tariff. Canada is specifically targetting certain US exports for tariffs.
I just had a quick search for 'tools' 'machine' 'machinist' in https://www.canada.ca/en/department...-per-cent-tariffs-effective-march-4-2025.html and cant see any line items for measuring tools.
Interestingly, 'files' and 'rasps' ARE subject to a reciprocal 25% import tariff coming into Canada
"Files, rasps, pliers (including cutting pliers), pincers, tweezers, metal cutting shears, pipe-cutters, bolt croppers, perforating punches and similar hand tools."
Historically, a $29.95 USD item shipped to Canada would be 29.95+shipping in USD * credit card exchange rate normally about 1.45 == CAD total * 1.05 for GST (GST is 5%)
As an example, 29.95+15 shipping = 44.95 USD * 1.45 = 65.18 CAD * 1.05 (5% GST tax) = $68.44 CAD
Ie: The $29.95 item purchased at a US online store would cost a canadian buyer $68.44 total arrived at their door.
Your post is still there.OK so thats getting a little nonsensical now. You are here to moderate, NOT censor. There's a ton of grey area there, but my post you just deleted (and cant be seen here anymore) had ZERO offensive or politics in it.
If we are being picky, this AD doesnt belong in 'member spotted deals' and belongs in Classifieds, doesnt it? Its a commercial ad by a member, no? Maybe a 'moderator' could address this?