John Conroy
I have been helping a friend remove the cylinder head from his 1950 Bentley lately (more on this later) and needed to make some parts for a puller. My lathe has been working fine but when I went to use it Friday afternoon the motor just made a loud buzzing/growling noise and would not turn. Since the machine is only a year old I called Modern Tool, the dealer where I bought it for some help. The Edmonton branch has only 2 techs and they were both out on calls so they had no one around to give me any help. I really wanted to get the tools parts made so I decided to try and diagnose the fault myself. Here is a link to a video showing the symptom.
I knew the problem was in the motor, not the controls so I removed it from the machine, there was an odor of burned electrical stuff and I thought the motor was probably toast but I remembered PeterT had a similar symptom on his new mill. I think the problem turned out to be the centrifugal switch but the tech also replaced the start capacitor. The switch on this motor is inside but the start and run caps are external under metal covers so I removed them and found that the 150MFD start cap case had a big bulge in it and the 30MFD run cap case was broken. Broken or bulged cases are a sure sign of a capacitor failure but it was too late by then to locate parts so I had to continue Saturday. There are no electrical supply places open Saturday but I did manage to find the correct 30MFD run cap at Princess Auto but they did not have the 150MFD start cap. I thought about using a different size but everything I read online said you must use the original size so I was out of luck until Monday. I got the new start cap at Amree Supply this morning and got them both installed. The original were soldered to the motor leads but I installed spade terminals to match the ones on the new caps in case I ever have to do this again. The motor starts better now than it ever has so I think the start cap had been slowly dying since I got the machine. The motor runs more quiet now too so I think the run cap had been dead from the beginning, I measured it's capacitance with my Fluke meter at only 3MFD. I'm glad to be up and running again, hope I never have to lift that 90 pound motor out of there again. Here are some pics, you can see the damage on the old caps in the first 2.
I knew the problem was in the motor, not the controls so I removed it from the machine, there was an odor of burned electrical stuff and I thought the motor was probably toast but I remembered PeterT had a similar symptom on his new mill. I think the problem turned out to be the centrifugal switch but the tech also replaced the start capacitor. The switch on this motor is inside but the start and run caps are external under metal covers so I removed them and found that the 150MFD start cap case had a big bulge in it and the 30MFD run cap case was broken. Broken or bulged cases are a sure sign of a capacitor failure but it was too late by then to locate parts so I had to continue Saturday. There are no electrical supply places open Saturday but I did manage to find the correct 30MFD run cap at Princess Auto but they did not have the 150MFD start cap. I thought about using a different size but everything I read online said you must use the original size so I was out of luck until Monday. I got the new start cap at Amree Supply this morning and got them both installed. The original were soldered to the motor leads but I installed spade terminals to match the ones on the new caps in case I ever have to do this again. The motor starts better now than it ever has so I think the start cap had been slowly dying since I got the machine. The motor runs more quiet now too so I think the run cap had been dead from the beginning, I measured it's capacitance with my Fluke meter at only 3MFD. I'm glad to be up and running again, hope I never have to lift that 90 pound motor out of there again. Here are some pics, you can see the damage on the old caps in the first 2.