Well, I decided to replace the bearings of my lathes gear train, and clean up all the damaged teeth.
The original bearings were shot. They were 6303zz shielded, but replaced them with sealed to keep all the crap out.
The gear teeth were all chewed up for some reason. That's the way it came when I got the lathe 30 years ago. Maybe they were all bouncing around in a bin at one time?
So I turned an arbour on the lathe, attached a gear and removed a couple thou', just enough to get rid of all the burs and dings. Then used a 1/4" diameter round stone to dress the corners of each tooth...manually!
Reassembled, adjusted tooth backlash, drizzled gear oil on the gears, and all good. Quite a bit quieter too.
The original bearings were shot. They were 6303zz shielded, but replaced them with sealed to keep all the crap out.
The gear teeth were all chewed up for some reason. That's the way it came when I got the lathe 30 years ago. Maybe they were all bouncing around in a bin at one time?
So I turned an arbour on the lathe, attached a gear and removed a couple thou', just enough to get rid of all the burs and dings. Then used a 1/4" diameter round stone to dress the corners of each tooth...manually!
Reassembled, adjusted tooth backlash, drizzled gear oil on the gears, and all good. Quite a bit quieter too.