For me every project usually has a distinct fork in the road moment, of "take this way, it'll be more fun, more challenging, and you're learn something new", or "just get it done and over with with what you have right now". Perfection is always the enemy of completion. It's one of the reasons I gravitate to weldments over bolt up construction for a lot of things is simply because it's more efficient 90% of the time. It's also one of the reasons why I have so many unfinished projects laying around.....In my home shop it's always a balance. I don't have to generate a profit, I don't have to justify my time, or methods to anyone. I usually just work on what I want, whenever I want/have time for it, and however I want to do it at the time. But will admit I do find it enjoyable once in a while to take the long road purely for the personal satisfaction and challenge sometimes. But on the other hand, I have no qualms about hacking something together quick and dirty simply to get a job done and move on. I pick and choose my battles as best I can....
The other day when I made my hot wire cutter I welded on nuts instead of tapping holes in places simply because I had a bunch of shit piled up on my workbench infront of the toolbox with all my taps, and I really didn't want to move it all, nor did I have a space to move it all to lol. It was the path of least resistance at that moment in time

. If I were to go out right now, and remake that part, I'd probably drill and tap it, because I've since cleaned up that bench. Good enough to open the drawers anyway....
As for taking on too big of a project, I certainly understand that one too. There are many stalled projects around here, simply due to the fact that my enthusiastic naivety got me in over my head to start with, and once I hit a wall I couldn't get past either from lack of experience/skills/knowledge, equipment or tools I simply let it sit, until a time when I could acquire those things to finish it. Some I've got through, some still sit for another day....Some realistically will probably never get done.....