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Ultra Member
I meant to make this post last week but the emotors post gave me a nudge.
I have bought Mitutoyo stuff from ITM four times in the past, shipping has always been free and taken a week, place the order and week later enjoy your to....eh tool, perfect.
Beginning of February I order some adjustable parallels and even though they were shown as in stock it was over a week before they shipped, oh well. When they arrive first thing I notice is "Made in America ", next thing is on the pouch they have printed a strong warning to not over tighten the screws. I unwrap the smallest one, insert the allen key and spent a few minutes tickling it loose, same with the next 2. When I unwrap the last one, one glance at one of the screws and you could see there was absolutely nothing left in the head that would grab. Turn it over and the screw are protruding out the back.
So within an hour of receiving them I have emailed photos and reported that the one parallel is defective. Nothing. And on it went, if you wanted anything you had to call often multiple times . Finally it goes back on my dime, a few more months before they go to accounting to see if my shipping cost can be reimbursed. They send me a form for the calibration lab, they have to look at the screw. Then it's of to the Mitutoyo calibration lab. More months. Finally after months of serious scrutiny and precision calibration it is confirmed that the screw is indeed fuckered. So finally in July I finally get my replacement set. It not the original, the Mitutoyo logo was pretty poor on that set. I haven't looked at them any more than to make sure the screws are OK but maybe I'll take a look tomorrow. The first set did feel crunchy which is disappointing for Mitutoyo. I didn't get any follow up phone call asking how my experience was.
Now I realize I only buy a couple of hundred dollars worth of stuff from them each year, and everyone was polite but their customer support was just unbelievably abysmal.
Same experience here on same item, see link. Sadly, I think Mitutoyo is cutting corners on certain items or at least that one specifically. So be it but ITM was brutal to deal with on the return. I've subsequently spot checked them on a few Mitutoyo items through my local Thomas Skinner & there is no cost advantage. In fact I learned that getting an account at TS (at no cost) can further reduce price. The only stickler is shipping because they use a service that requires signature, problematic on a home address but which I have now solved with a local UPS store mailbox account that I use for similar things. So I have no use for ITM anymore.

That's what I thought too, but ITM is an authorized seller. So if its happening, it must be at a bulk & higher level. I have some Mitutoyo rules & gages that say made in Mexico or wherever, but the quality is there. But these adjustable parallels were crap. Literally the Asian clones were better.
There was a lengthy discussion of this on HM about a year ago. One of the members contacted someone at Mitutoyo. My very shaky memory has that the insider said the product code doesn't exist, and they do not sell adjustable parallels.

-- this is all hearsay.

But I have never held a Mit tool that wasn't top quality. Ive held dud Starrett and B&S tools, but never a Mit. Hence my position.
I frankly believe that these 'Mitutoyo' adjustable parallels are knock offs.
That's interesting, I suspect (I'm not sure) that the Mitutoyo digital caliper I received from ITM is a clone. I have a definite genuine Mitutoyo as well and another definite clone and the ITM does not feel like the genuine and feels a lot like the clone. I have had several of the fake ones and the quality varies, some are decent and some are pretty bad. The battery life and accuracy is fine on all of them, but the clones are just not tight like the genuine. The zero button on the ITM one requires an excessive push.
The first set did feel crunchy which is disappointing for Mitutoyo. I didn't get any follow up phone call asking how my experience was.

My own experience is like @Dabbler's, genuine mitutoyo stuff is always flawless.

I recall a previous discussion on here about mitutoyo adjustable parallels and another about calipers. I was intrigued then and still am. I took the time back then to investigate but I don't think I reported my findings at the time.

Essentially, the Mitutoyo center in Quebec denied that Mitutoyo made adjustable parallels and insisted that they were fake. They were going to review the situation with ITM but if they did, I never heard about it.

Interestingly, searches for "mitutoyo adjustable parallels" will get hits to lots of suppliers - not just ITM. It will also get hits on mitutoyo sales offices in other countries, but all the hits I looked at were blank.

Your experience at ITM screams "fakes" to me.

It's not hard for me to imagine some nefarious outfit claiming to be a division of mitutoyo selling a large lot of fake parallels to a buyer at ITM.

It's also not hard for me to imagine a swarthy buyer at ITM buying a lot of crappy stuff from a nefarious seller.

I have a set of Accusize adjustable parallels. They were gritty and had some burrs that required some cleanup, but they work and I'm quite happy with them. I have also used them quite successfully. In fact, I recently made some Aloris Style Tool Holders that worked on the first crack. I used the adjustable parallels with two pins to set the size of the dovetails.
ref my post #4 for other listings of the PN

ref post #40 by @Susquatch Jan-9-2023. Now I have heard that certain products offered/cataloged in USA vs Canada or N-Am vs Europe may vary, but my understanding is its always from Mitutoyo pool & could be special ordered. But the PN was validated (at least in Canada) & the part is shite. I recommend you contact Mitutoyo customer service & feedback your disappointment. One would think in a modern corporation like Mitutoyo & their distributers this data would be collected electronically via return data & they would come to the same conclusion themselves. But maybe that data collection occurs at a distributer level and & is not well managed.

All - I spoke to inside sales at Mitutoyo Canada just now. Believe it or not, they still have my name on file from my previous life! Part number 985-131 is a valid part number and it is a set of adjustable parallels listed at $188.13 in Canada. It is not in the current catalog and they have no stock right now. 20 pieces are expected to arrive in about two weeks. However, they could not provide me with any technical information on the product and ended up transferring me to technical support. No one answered there so I left a voice mail with a phone number to call me back at. The plot thickens and the saga continues.

Part number 985-131 is a valid part number and it is a set of adjustable parallels listed at $188.13 in Canada.
Thank you for this info.

This issue is so murky!

It makes me wonder if someone, somewhere is pulling a fast one, such as a North American executive making a fast buck?
It makes me wonder if someone, somewhere is pulling a fast one, such as a North American executive making a fast buck?

Having worked at a big corporation, I can attest to the fact that it happens. Especially in field offices and regional HQ where people are working independently. That's kind what I meant in my previous post about swarthy buyers. It's very difficult to get an entire corporation aligned to the same guidelines and policies. So shit happens.

Good stuff @PeterT.
I don't know. If ITM were to sell fakes, how do they stop Mitutoyo from finding out and pulling their distributorship ? There can't be much profit on these "cheap " items to make it worthwhile. And my parallels were apparently sourced from Mitutoyo USA.

To me the bigger disappointment is ITM. I realize I'm a nobody but customer service is important, we're not talking Telus or Canadian Tire here. If I ran the show I would make sure someone followed up on the issue not wait for the grumpy customer to call back again. One rep would solve the issue, not whoever picks up the phone in whichever office. A copy of a shipping receipt would generate a prompt and full shipping refund not a "I'll forward forward a refund request to accounting" crap. Calibration lab requisition form, really ? Apparently I successfully managed to determine that the supplied allen key would just spin in the top of the screw and I managed to do that within seconds and without a calibration lab and a highly skilled and trained staff, let alone two labs. Upon receipt of a defective return item, a replacement would be shipped immediately, taking priority over other orders. And most definitely there would be follow up with the customer.
They can't compete with Amazon but they certainly need to up their game in a big way. Perhaps their previous performances makes this one more bitter.
I don't know. If ITM were to sell fakes, how do they stop Mitutoyo from finding out and pulling their distributorship ?
I think the legal situation prevents this. It is one thing to have draconian requirements to sign up as a dealer, but more difficult to rescind such agreements. I seem to remember a Canadian legal pundit video describing such a situation, and the dealer, not the corporation won.

Besides, they will turn a blind eye to it if ITM is a big enough distributor.

Kennemetal once upon a time would not let you sell their tooling if you carried Sandvik or ANY offshore compatible tooling. Now they assign geographic dealers and turn them loose. No conditions once you have the assigned territory.
So I took a closer look and the packaging and everything does look authentic, however the one oddball thing is that printed on the inside of the flap of the storage pouch where it tells me not to over tighten the screws it also tells me that the parallels are equipped with Phillips head screws and to only use a #1 Phillips head screw driver yet they supply an allen key for the installed allen keys.
With some cleaning, deburring, light stoning and oiling I am happy with the parallel but the attention to detail on these is certainly not up to what I have seen and come to expect with my other Mitutoyo purchases.
The part number is listed by too many vendors for it be some random act of sneakiness. otoh, it does not appear on Mit's web site so I share the concern. They have a CDN office, why not call them up? They hate counterfeit so if you claim you're concerned and want to verify they should help (although they do generally have a lousy customer service attitude imo and only want to talk to resellers).

The "made in US" also seems fishy, although I have seen that a couple of times on a magnetic parallel V block.

For that kind of money, it'd be used Starrett or Lufkin for me ...... and the right size, hollow ground screw driver! :)
why not call them up?
Good point to raise. I did so, 2 years ago, and was directed to a voice mail. No return call. I emailed the person by name. No response.

I believe that my only option is to contact Mitutoyo Head Office in Japan. I think they would be more enthusiastic in their response.
This is from the MSC site: Made in China.

Maybe Mitutoyo are too embarrassed to put that piece of @#$% in their catalogue.


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