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Supplies In Search Of: 1 x M14x1.5 hex nut in Calgary

Anybody know where I can pick up *ONE* M14x1.5 hex nut in Calgary? Rona's specialty bolt trays have up to M14x2.0 and nothing else.

Bolt supply wont do just 1x hex nuts anymore.
I'd try Quest Industrial -- not sure if they have a minimum currently -- might depend on who you get at the counter, I have been given freebies there for onesies, twosies in the past, but I usually offer a cash donation to their doughnut or beer fund.
I'll check out Quest and probably stop by Greggs as well. @RobinHood thanks for the kind offer!

The application is yet another old woodworking cabinet saw I am restoring/refurbishing.
i would try greggs first, the one on 11th st, next you could try quest, it is just up the road from greggs