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Tips/Techniques How to upload videos

Upload to YouTube and link it...will be better than trying to host it on the forum itself. If you need help, let me know. You can do unlisted videos on youtube so they don't get automatically shared if you want to keep them semi-private.
@thestelster - I hate YouTube so I have been using dropbox and then share the link. Google drive works the same. Both are convenient ways to share anything. If OneDrive was not so intrusive, I'd prolly use that.

The other problem you mentioned is file size. This is always a problem with Videos. You can either set your video resolution to a lower one before recording or you can edit it afterward and reduce the resolution. You can download an app to do it, but I'm always nervous about what else such apps are doing....... The Samsung video player/recorder that came with my Samsung phone has editing capabilities that can change the resolution, so that's what I use. You can also cut and stitch using this editor.

Here is video of me plowing just for poops & giggles. The original was 42 Mb. This version is just 8. But the same video.
