Yay, I found a whitworth calculator which give me a spec for its different thread classes 1 Close, 2 Medium and 3 Free.
I plugged in my numbers into the calculator and got the following.
Pitch dia for close is 20.363mm ( 0.816")
medium is 20.3365mm (0.8006")
free is 20.296mm (0.799")
And the pitch dia of my homemade 7/8 -9 BSW screw is 20.0406mm (.789") Class ? = recycle bin, stop procrastinating and make a new one! LOL
E= M +( 0.9605 X P) - ( 3.16 X W)
E= .882 + ( 0.9605 x .111) - ( 3.16 X .063) = .789"
Here is the link for the calculator
Playing around with these British threads is all new to me. I knew very little about these standards up until I got this old Triumph motorcycle, which also has CEI . Cycle Engineering Institute.
Thanks for all the input, it was motivating.