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Horizontal milling machine - $1500 - Beaumont, ab

Tom Kitta

Ultra Member
Well, price is OK but I feel nothing special at all, you can get this in addition to vertical milling machine. Horizontal is much better if it has a head - this one does not. It is slightly better than a shaper through.


Premium Member
If the X axis can pivot then with appropriate gearing coupling the indexer to the X axis you can cut helical gears. Much harder to do on a vertical mill. Unless you have CNC.


Ultra Member
If the X axis can pivot then with appropriate gearing coupling the indexer to the X axis you can cut helical gears. Much harder to do on a vertical mill. Unless you have CNC.
Now, John, that just isn't true at all! :)

Seriously, if you can tilt your vertical mill head to the side, you can do exactly the same as if it was a horizontal mill, except it is rotated 90 degrees.

More Horizontal mills than vertical ones, come equipped with an offsetting (Universal) table, but you can still set up to do helical milling with a vertical!


Premium Member
Now, John, that just isn't true at all! :)

Seriously, if you can tilt your vertical mill head to the side, you can do exactly the same as if it was a horizontal mill, except it is rotated 90 degrees.

More Horizontal mills than vertical ones, come equipped with an offsetting (Universal) table, but you can still set up to do helical milling with a vertical!
I sit corrected.


Ultra Member
Hmmm. Interesting. Thx for thinking of me.

Outline for me the disadvantages of a horizontal mill, as opposed to vertical, pls.
Tooling is hard to come by and expensive for horizontal mills. Maybe he has tooling to go with it. B&S taper stuff is pure gold, but on a horizontal not an issue.

Tom Kitta

Ultra Member
B&S spindle is of course not exactly "nice" but you can turn your own B&S 9 to say ER-32 adapter and you are now doing OK.

The main problem is luck of a "head" - and even with a head most machines do not have a quill.

Like I said, this is a nice to have thing in addition to a horizontal mill.

I have K&T #2 milling machine. It has a head. It is nice machine. about 3500 lbs so much larger one. But I use my BP clone 90% of the time.

This is a nice 2nd mill. Get vertical mill and then add this.