• Scam Alert. Members are reminded to NOT send money to buy anything. Don't buy things remote and have it shipped - go get it yourself, pay in person, and take your equipment with you. Scammers have burned people on this forum. Urgency, secrecy, excuses, selling for friend, newish members, FUD, are RED FLAGS. A video conference call is not adequate assurance. Face to face interactions are required. Please report suspicions to the forum admins. Stay Safe - anyone can get scammed.

Global reach of scammers


Premium Member
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Ultra Member

a reminder of the sophistication of scammers and the impacts including suicide and financial ruin for life. Stay wary everyone - anybody including me and you can get scammed.

Greed, urgency, loneliness, avarice, incremental steps (just send $20 and see what happens), and more, are all routes for scammers to get past our caution.
The Beekeeper is a shite movie but I kinda hope it happens IRL to these scammers.


Well-Known Member
Premium Member
These scams are everywhere and have sadly even affected my wife's family. We actually didn't know how bad until my mother in law passed. Something to think about is that this is not just about southeast Asian scams. On the cnn site scroll down and you will see dozens of scams all posted by google. Unsold costco merchandise at unreal discounts. The list goes on. Scams have been around forever. My grand mother talked about salesmen coming to the farm when she was a girl selling bobbles and garbage books.

Even when you can pay in cash and have it in hand it can still be a scam, but at least its right in your face. Over the internet never give money, ever. Paying on a site for materials is one thing and its likely that there is not a person on here has not been scammed by ebay or amazon. But those scams are small items. Borrowing 150k is brutal, for any investment, let alone one over the internet.


Ultra Member
The Beekeeper is a shite movie but I kinda hope it happens IRL to these scammers.
the reality is that there truly are no consequences for these scammers so they grow bolder and are just relentless. It is so bad I dont even respond to calls or texts unless it is from one of the dozen people I know and have in my contacts list. Even then I am very vigilant that one of those numbers has been spoofed. All I can say is if my brother needs money he better call and have the correct series of code words... AI now means scammers can spoof people's voices to perfection in real time so you can't even trust what you hear.

There are counter scammers out there reverse hacking call centers, they get reams of evidence, including IDs of scammers and yet no matter how much evidence they hackers turn over to the local police the scammers are not prosecuted let alone charged. The police in the regions are corrupt and paid to look the other way.


ersatz engineer
Scamming happens because of the relatively little work and easy availability of people on the internet to scam.

Lack of consequences makes it possible to reoffend as often as possible.

These people are as professional at getting victims to trust them as any doctor, lawyer, or any other profession.

Any money you give to any one for any purpose, well, you have to be prepared to lose it.


Premium Member
Facebook marketplace seems to be making it too easy for scammers too.

eTransfer or bitcoin are a scammers dream.

Tom O

Ultra Member
I’ll never use bitcoin when Mom wasn’t doing well we all flew out to Victoria she recovered but we found out our Grandmother had $1000.00 dollars taken out of her bank account we took her to the police to file a report and came home. She was dead a few days later She was in good health but I have to think the scam had something to do with it.


Ultra Member
Sad story in the Globe & Mail this morning, some guy in GTA lost life savings to a repeat fake mortgage scammer, the courts let this guy and his colleagues carry on business as usual. One of the victims decided enough was enough went to their office and got two of the four scammers. The victim's wife has lost everything now house, husband and all savings.